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Looking back from a perspective of 50 years, perhaps Penn Central black could be okay. Here we have a westbound train crossing the fourth Welland Canal "drawbridge" with former NYC GP40 3021 and U33B 2900 (built new for PC). Trains would be rerouted through the tunnel under the Canal in early 1973.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Doug Page all rights reserved.

Caption: Looking back from a perspective of 50 years, perhaps Penn Central black could be okay. Here we have a westbound train crossing the fourth Welland Canal "drawbridge" with former NYC GP40 3021 and U33B 2900 (built new for PC). Trains would be rerouted through the tunnel under the Canal in early 1973.

Doug Page [380] (more) (contact)
Date: 7/ /1969 (search)
Railway: Penn Central (search)
Reporting Marks: PC 3021 (search)
Train Symbol: westbound (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Welland (search)
City/Town: Welland (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=49988
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Photo ID: 48703

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  1. Wild…

  2. I have been told some of these trains were diverted through Port Colborne on the Dunnville Sub for the period when the new channel was being dug and tie in to the Townline Tunnel was completed (so maybe 1970-72 inclusive)…

    Amazing shot btw

  3. There’s gotta be shots of this…

    I’ve seen shots of a re-route due to bridge being hit of a C&O train on the Dunnville…

  4. Was it “black”, or just really dirty PRR/PC Dark Green Locomotive Enamel (DGLE)…the only way one could really tell was on a freshly painted unit, and even then it was tough.

  5. Likely some CN…and perhaps an N&W train…were rerouted on the Dunnville Sub, briefly. But the logistics of having PC and C&O trains rerouted that way would make it pretty much impossible.
    I am not aware that it took place,especially regarding canal reconstruction. The road and rail tunnel’s were built first, and then the cuts were made for the canal.

  6. MrDan, PC engines were all painted in DLGE. Just faded to where it looked black very quickly.

  7. I saw this image ( original or otherwise ) offered for sale on eBay about 15/18 months ago by a well known vendor.

  8. mercer: there’s a fellow on eBay that sells similar looking duplicate slides.

  9. Similar ?
    Its either the original, which I’d like to think not; or it’s an unauthorized duplicate.

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