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Long before its time on the Southern Ontario Railway as SOR 1359, CN SW1200RS 1359 handles a transfer move from CP to CN's Calder Yard in Edmonton. A CP piggyback flatcar with blue CP Express & Transport tarpaulin trailer is first up, loaded with some air duct or ventilation equipment. A mixed train of CP and other freight cars follow. Photos show that by the mid-late 80's, 1359 had relocated and become a regular in the Southern Ontario area. After its stint on SOR, it was sold to LDS in Sarnia, who overhauled her for Cando as CCGX 1006. 

I'm not entirely sure where this photo was taken, there looks to be an underpass in the distance by the signal bridge. Possibly at 82 St. NW entering the east end of the yard? (can any Edmontonians place this shot?)

Original photographer unknown, Dan Dell'Unto collection slide.
Copyright Notice: This image ©unknown, Dan Dell'Unto coll. all rights reserved.

Caption: Long before its time on the Southern Ontario Railway as SOR 1359, CN SW1200RS 1359 handles a transfer move from CP to CN's Calder Yard in Edmonton. A CP piggyback flatcar with blue CP Express & Transport tarpaulin trailer is first up, loaded with some air duct or ventilation equipment. A mixed train of CP and other freight cars follow. Photos show that by the mid-late 80's, 1359 had relocated and become a regular in the Southern Ontario area. After its stint on SOR, it was sold to LDS in Sarnia, who overhauled her for Cando as CCGX 1006.

I'm not entirely sure where this photo was taken, there looks to be an underpass in the distance by the signal bridge. Possibly at 82 St. NW entering the east end of the yard? (can any Edmontonians place this shot?)

Original photographer unknown, Dan Dell'Unto collection slide.

unknown, Dan Dell'Unto coll. [1007] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/19/1976 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 1359 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: CN Calder Yard (search)
City/Town: Edmonton (search)
Province: Alberta (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=51597
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Photo ID: 50304

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  1. By the time of day, that looks to be the 9:00 west lead job from the city yard. Their last move of the day would be to take a transfer from the CP at the interchange on 104th ave. to the NAR. It looks here as if they have come off the main from downtown at west jct. and are entering and crossing over a couple of times on the Edson sub. so they can enter into the NAR yard. On the right, down the track a ways, you can see the extra rails between the tracks, underneath will be 127th street. To the right of the 1359 those look to be the tracks and switches to the big gov’t grain elevator. I’ve done this exact job a few times, with the 1359. :-)
    Thanks Mr. Dan.

  2. Very interesting shot and back story

  3. Let’s make that “to the left of the 1359”.

  4. I agree with A.J, this looks like the west end of Calder with the Alberta Terminals elevator yard tracks on the left. This area looks quite different now, this signal bridge is gone and more track has been added.

    The signals are at West Jct, where the west loop line from the City Yard (downtown Edmonton) met the mainline at the southwest corner of Calder Yard.

  5. Thanks for placing this shot guys, I had an idea where it might be but was stumped on exactly where it was taken. Looks like a lot of things can change in 40+ years!

  6. Beautiful shot, i’m picturing it northbound on the West lead to the City Center yard!

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