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London Brighton & South Coast Railway 0-6-0T "Terrier" No. 54-Waddon at Exporail Museum, Montreal.  What a little gem to find at the museum and so dwarfed by its Canadian cousins.
Copyright Notice: This image ©colin arnot all rights reserved.

Caption: London Brighton & South Coast Railway 0-6-0T "Terrier" No. 54-Waddon at Exporail Museum, Montreal. What a little gem to find at the museum and so dwarfed by its Canadian cousins.

colin arnot [627] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/18/2015 (search)
Railway: Other (search)
Reporting Marks: LBSC No. 54 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Exporail (search)
City/Town: Saint-Constant (search)
Province: Quebec (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=20881
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Photo ID: 19751

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  1. I’m curious if it ever saw service in Canada.. when one considers our early railway steam engines were probably based on British designs…

    It’s a shame so few, if any were preserved from the 1830′s to the 1860′s… so rare to find ANYTHING of that age still in existence.

  2. I, along with probably many other railfanners found interest in these engines, probably because dating back to the childhood, that Stepeny was featured on Thomas the tank engine

  3. Not me – couldn’t stand Thomas. Wasn’t a ‘real train’ to me :)

  4. Got one of the wooden train sets at age 3 and have loved trains ever since :D

  5. Interesting shot.

    Funny that Thomas the Tank Engine came up, because that’s what got me into trains.

  6. This loco never saw service in Canada. It was acquired by Exporail in 1963 and has been cosmetically restored by a group of enthusiasts of “British extraction”! 9 other A1X’s exist in the U.K. 6 in operating condition.

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