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Located on the border of Thorold and Niagara Falls, two chemical plants exist having been born to make explosives for the war. Both facilities now produce highly toxic chemicals that is all the news in Ohio, as this plant produces Vinyl Chloride used in plastics manufacture. There's a very good reason these plants are miles from civilization. For us rail fan types, we seek out these things for the locomotives and this is one of my all time favorites - former Stelco 6089, SW900 built for Stelco in 1964 which I would see  a couple times can now be found here fairly frequently. I'm not sure if this unit is in daily service because it seems LTEX 1084 is sharing duties. Roll the dice, pay the place a visit and see what you find. Just stay on the road, the crews are a bit jumpy at photographers being nearby.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Stephen C. Host all rights reserved.

Caption: Located on the border of Thorold and Niagara Falls, two chemical plants exist having been born to make explosives for the war. Both facilities now produce highly toxic chemicals that is all the news in Ohio, as this plant produces Vinyl Chloride used in plastics manufacture. There's a very good reason these plants are miles from civilization. For us rail fan types, we seek out these things for the locomotives and this is one of my all time favorites - former Stelco 6089, SW900 built for Stelco in 1964 which I would see a couple times can now be found here fairly frequently. I'm not sure if this unit is in daily service because it seems LTEX 1084 is sharing duties. Roll the dice, pay the place a visit and see what you find. Just stay on the road, the crews are a bit jumpy at photographers being nearby.

Stephen C. Host [1544] (more) (contact)
Date: 2/1/2023 (search)
Railway: Industrial (search)
Reporting Marks: LDSX 6089 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: Niagara Falls (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=51484
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Photo ID: 50193

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One Comment
  1. Nice backdrop with the snow. LDSX 6089 was busy performing switching duties throughout the day yesterday. It sure is nice sounding. No coupler alignment on this locomotive, I have to wonder how many times the couplers gets crossed?

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