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Leg-In-Boot. British Columbia Electric Railway 1207 (BCER, 1905) was operating on the Vancouver Downtown Historic Railway in Vancouver, British Columbia on the afternoon of August 30, 2008. The car and cousin BCER 1231 were used during the warmer months on this line, owned by the City of Vancouver, as a historic operation between Granville Island and Leg-In-Boot Stations from 1998-2011. Interurban service in British Columbia ended in 1958. Ahead of hosting the Winter Olympics in 2010, service was suspended and the line was rebuilt to demonstrate operation of a pair of modern 5-section Bombardier Flexity Streetcars during the event to the Olympic Village, but were returned to the company without a purchase. The historic cars briefly returned in 2011, but ultimately the city shut down the line and the cars were transferred to the Fraser Valley Heritage Railway Society in Surrey, British Columbia in 2016, where both survive today.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Marc Glucksman/River Rail Photo all rights reserved.

Caption: Leg-In-Boot. British Columbia Electric Railway 1207 (BCER, 1905) was operating on the Vancouver Downtown Historic Railway in Vancouver, British Columbia on the afternoon of August 30, 2008. The car and cousin BCER 1231 were used during the warmer months on this line, owned by the City of Vancouver, as a historic operation between Granville Island and Leg-In-Boot Stations from 1998-2011. Interurban service in British Columbia ended in 1958. Ahead of hosting the Winter Olympics in 2010, service was suspended and the line was rebuilt to demonstrate operation of a pair of modern 5-section Bombardier Flexity Streetcars during the event to the Olympic Village, but were returned to the company without a purchase. The historic cars briefly returned in 2011, but ultimately the city shut down the line and the cars were transferred to the Fraser Valley Heritage Railway Society in Surrey, British Columbia in 2016, where both survive today.

Marc Glucksman/River Rail Photo [18] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/30/2008 (search)
Railway: British Columbia Electric Railway (search)
Reporting Marks: BCER 1207 (search)
Train Symbol: Historic Interurban (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Leg-In-Boot (search)
City/Town: Vancouver (search)
Province: British Columbia (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=52773
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