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Leaves rustle along the tracks while CP 8534 works hard passing beautiful fall colours along Campbellville hill, the ruling grade of the CPR Galt subdivision. 
For me fall is a very unpredictable season, owing to lots of clouds and the rarity of sun, plus copious family plans usually means my time spent looking for colour are limited. So I took a day off when it looked like a nice sunny day, blue skies gave way to mostly cloudy by mid morning. I had almost given up for the day by 1 PM and instead opted to press my luck, and I'm glad I did. Indeed luck was on my side as the clouds were starting to break (50-75% clouds) and I was gifted with sun at the right moments for the only afternoon trains on the Galt subdivision.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Stephen C. Host all rights reserved.

Caption: Leaves rustle along the tracks while CP 8534 works hard passing beautiful fall colours along Campbellville hill, the ruling grade of the CPR Galt subdivision. For me fall is a very unpredictable season, owing to lots of clouds and the rarity of sun, plus copious family plans usually means my time spent looking for colour are limited. So I took a day off when it looked like a nice sunny day, blue skies gave way to mostly cloudy by mid morning. I had almost given up for the day by 1 PM and instead opted to press my luck, and I'm glad I did. Indeed luck was on my side as the clouds were starting to break (50-75% clouds) and I was gifted with sun at the right moments for the only afternoon trains on the Galt subdivision.

Stephen C. Host [1540] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/10/2018 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 8534 (search)
Train Symbol: CP 147-10 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Campbellville (search)
City/Town: Campbellville (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=35236
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Photo ID: 34045

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. I was down at Long Point beach on this day…the water was still warm…

    On my lunch hour, of course..

  2. Autumn has arrived indeed!!

  3. So very true Steve! Great photo.

  4. TY gents

  5. Has no one else noticed they forgot the train?? :)

  6. Oh I did.. but CP likes to haul air from time to time :)

  7. BTW brooky I was inspired by your work for this shot!!

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