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Leased ATSF GP39-2s 3604 and 3609 sit outside CP's Agincourt Diesel shop, coupled with ATSF 3600 further out of frame to the right.  Another ATSF unit on lease can be seen in the background just beyond CP 4736.  A view of some ATSF units in service, taken by Arnold Mooney near Parry Sound can be seen here.This image is part of a set of negatives - both colour and black & white - given to me by Steve Bratina, who had acquired them from a Toronto area train show in the early 2000's.  The seller was "getting out of the hobby" and several rolls of negatives, mainly rosters from the late 1980s at Agincourt, were tossed into the sale.  The seller was also a modeller. If anyone has any ideas who the photographer may have been, please comment below.Original Photographer Unknown, Jacob Patterson Collection Negative.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Unknown Photographer; Jacob Patterson Collection all rights reserved.

Caption: Leased ATSF GP39-2s 3604 and 3609 sit outside CP's Agincourt Diesel shop, coupled with ATSF 3600 further out of frame to the right. Another ATSF unit on lease can be seen in the background just beyond CP 4736. A view of some ATSF units in service, taken by Arnold Mooney near Parry Sound can be seen here.

This image is part of a set of negatives - both colour and black & white - given to me by Steve Bratina, who had acquired them from a Toronto area train show in the early 2000's. The seller was "getting out of the hobby" and several rolls of negatives, mainly rosters from the late 1980s at Agincourt, were tossed into the sale. The seller was also a modeller. If anyone has any ideas who the photographer may have been, please comment below.

Original Photographer Unknown, Jacob Patterson Collection Negative.

Unknown Photographer; Jacob Patterson Collection [584] (more) (contact)
Date: 01/18/1988 (search)
Railway: Other (search)
Reporting Marks: ATSF 3604, ATSF 3609 (search)
Train Symbol: N/A (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Agincourt Diesel Shop (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=52542
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Photo ID: 51237

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  1. http://www.trainweb.org/oldtimetrains/CPR_Toronto_Yard/leased_engine_gallery.htm
    If the above link works, it will take you to a number of photos shot on the same day. They sure look the same as your photo.

  2. Interesting. These negatives I have include the majority of those images. I will confirm with Ray Kennedy if Bill Grandin was getting out of the hobby about twenty years ago. If so these must be his shots.

  3. Glad I could be of some help. :-)

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