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Lazy afternoon going-ons down at the station: a gang of Toronto Terminals Railway (TTR) employess work on new a track panel for replacing a section of trackage around Union Station, while their Swingmaster Swingloader passes by towing a load of old rail on bogies. Old wooden signal bungalows and modern galvanized steel ones mingle freely nearby, and new ballast is spread on neighbouring tracks that have recently been attended to. In the upper right, work continues on the Simcoe Street underpass project that will open to traffic in the future (you can see the remains of the old MofW storage building at the end of the Skywalk that was demolished).
Copyright Notice: This image ©MrDan all rights reserved.

Caption: Lazy afternoon going-ons down at the station: a gang of Toronto Terminals Railway (TTR) employess work on new a track panel for replacing a section of trackage around Union Station, while their Swingmaster Swingloader passes by towing a load of old rail on bogies. Old wooden signal bungalows and modern galvanized steel ones mingle freely nearby, and new ballast is spread on neighbouring tracks that have recently been attended to. In the upper right, work continues on the Simcoe Street underpass project that will open to traffic in the future (you can see the remains of the old MofW storage building at the end of the Skywalk that was demolished).

MrDan [1006] (more) (contact)
Date: 11/02/2007 (search)
Railway: Toronto Terminals Railway (search)
Reporting Marks: TTR (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: USRC - Toronto Union Station (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=25180
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Photo ID: 24031

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. You got any more shots around the weston sub and halton and the remaining F59PHs? Anyways what did lower simcoe look like before the tunnel project?

  2. There’s a few mixed in my uploads, such as:

    Simcoe St. used to end at Station Street at a tall brown brick “bunker” that I assume was used for railway storage or something. It was demolished when they needed to start digging under the rail corridor in 2007. On the south end, north of Bremner, Simcoe was an unused dead-end street ending at a roughed-in underpass full of dirt. I’m not sure if Google Streetview goes back far enough to show this (2006).

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