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L554 departing Oakville Yard onto Track 1 with BNSF 2968, CN 4908 and 74 cars trailing.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Terry O'Shell all rights reserved.

Caption: L554 departing Oakville Yard onto Track 1 with BNSF 2968, CN 4908 and 74 cars trailing.

Terry O'Shell [162] (more) (contact)
Date: 01/14/2025 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: BNSF 2968 (search)
Train Symbol: L554 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Oakville Yard, Oakville Sub., Mile 20.6 (search)
City/Town: Oakville (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=55889
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Photo ID: 54567

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  1. Nice shot ! The frame cars on the tail end are interesting. Were they in storage ? I didn’t think the Ford plant was active.

  2. I have noticed frame cars stored when I drive across Chartwell Road crossing.

  3. frame cars are still moving to St. Thomas fairly regularly. It could be these were needed for Formet

  4. Thank you for the comments guys.

  5. Correction: these frame flats at Oakville are for Modatek in Milton.

  6. Thanks for the update Joe.

  7. Yes, thanks for that info. I caught a glimpse of 551 from the QEW today. They were heading towards Milton with quite a few frame cars. Always good to see cars coming out of storage. :-)

  8. Terry, very nice indeed, well “framed” (excuse the pun). For me, it is great to see updated interesting scenes of CN freight action on the Oakville Sub, a welcome break from GO green and white.Does GO still use the pocket track in the foreground ? Thanks for posting, John

  9. John, Thank you. I prefer seeing the freight traffic. Track 4 (Pocket Track) is used daily for the GO’s that originate or terminate at Oakville.

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