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Knowing that I would be passing through the area on vacation, some friends demanded that I make a stop in Woss, BC on Vancouver Island. The Englewood Railway is said to be the last remaining logging railway in North America. This engine is seen in their shop area within the town of Woss. This railway is so incredibly remote that very little information and equally as few photos exist. It would be great if someone could share if they had previously caught it in operation!
Copyright Notice: This image ©David Vincent all rights reserved.

Caption: Knowing that I would be passing through the area on vacation, some friends demanded that I make a stop in Woss, BC on Vancouver Island. The Englewood Railway is said to be the last remaining logging railway in North America. This engine is seen in their shop area within the town of Woss. This railway is so incredibly remote that very little information and equally as few photos exist. It would be great if someone could share if they had previously caught it in operation!

David Vincent [80] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/24/2016 (search)
Railway: Englewood Railway (search)
Reporting Marks: 301 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: Woss (search)
Province: British Columbia (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=28004
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Photo ID: 26846

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. Great shot of such a remote operation. Did you happen to snap a photo of the crane in the background? It is an Ohio model DE 400, s/n 5014, built in 1975, and shipped new to The Anaconda Company in Anaconda, Montana.

  2. Nice Photo David!

  3. Glad you photographed this – after the Accident in April 2017 the railway never recovered – they basically shut it down and announced on November 7 2017 they are not re-starting operations.

    I hope someone can post more shots – this is a very rarely seen operation!

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