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Just over two hours earlier, CN 5640 passed this point as east-facing trailing unit of CN 422.
Presumably wye'd at Bayview, it now powers CN Extra 421 which is moving slowly toward CN Snake.
It will follow the "real" 421 (A421 lead by IC2719,CN8928,CN2594,IC1026) which is on track 1 overtaking X421.
Copyright Notice: This image ©John Pittman all rights reserved.

Caption: Just over two hours earlier, CN 5640 passed this point as east-facing trailing unit of CN 422.
Presumably wye'd at Bayview, it now powers CN Extra 421 which is moving slowly toward CN Snake.
It will follow the "real" 421 (A421 lead by IC2719,CN8928,CN2594,IC1026) which is on track 1 overtaking X421.

John Pittman [288] (more) (contact)
Date: 2020-02-08 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 5640 (search)
Train Symbol: CN X421 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Aldershot Yard west lead (search)
City/Town: Burlington (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=40557
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Photo ID: 39352

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. 422 dropped 5640 at Aldershot on their way to Mac. Crew of 422 was then sent from Mac to take this X421 back to Port Rob. They did indeed wye the power at Bayview first.

  2. Was aware that CN 5640 got dropped off at Aldershot, probably should have said that in caption. Getting the 422 crew back to Port Rob this way seems reasonable, it was remarkably quick turnaround.
    I wonder how often operating crew see their train at RPca, and thank them for their tolerance of us. I tend to avoid shots that show anyone outside the cab, in case that annoys.

  3. Whoops – date provided is incorrect, picture was taken Sunday 2020 March 8 at 13:29 EDT (Not February).
    I remembered to set my camera clock to EDT though !

  4. @jp4pix. We love to be photographed at work. We are pretty friendly. Well most of us are. As long as the photographer is not doing anything stupid or dangerous to get the shot

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