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Just exiting Port Robinson yard and heading eastward is a nice combination of power at the head end of this #332 Buffalo NY to Toronto train. We have GTW 5900, GT 5849, 6222 and GTW 5920. Pair of SD40s sandwiching a pair of GP38-2s. And yes, I chased it.
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W.Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: Just exiting Port Robinson yard and heading eastward is a nice combination of power at the head end of this #332 Buffalo NY to Toronto train. We have GTW 5900, GT 5849, 6222 and GTW 5920. Pair of SD40s sandwiching a pair of GP38-2s. And yes, I chased it.

A.W.Mooney [2212] (more) (contact)
Date: 03/27/1997 (search)
Railway: Grand Trunk Western (search)
Reporting Marks: GTW (CN) 5900 (search)
Train Symbol: #332 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Stamford Sub. (search)
City/Town: Port Robinson (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=32663
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Photo ID: 31485

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  1. Oh man, how many times have I drove over this crossing hoping for something lol.

  2. How far did you chase it?

  3. Since the Stamford swoops around thru the Falls, I drove down to the canal and shot it crossing over from a point where Bum Bridge used to be (maybe half mile east of canal bridge 6) and then onto the 406 to Hambone but I was not quick enough. Got about 5 shots all told.

  4. Late 90′s was good for foaming around Port Rob. As I recall, three to five freights possible over an eight hour winters day. Good times.

  5. Great to see another shot from this end of Port Robinson, great shot.

  6. Nice shot! It looks like a recent digital shot (I hope I’m not stepping on toes with this comment :) )

  7. Very cool to see this. So much more grown in now.

  8. How nice is that !!

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