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Just a nice clean shot of a trio of GP40-2L(W) heading west thru Bayview Jct on a nice sunny Wednesday morning many moons ago. CN 9457, 9599 and 9554 made for a commonplace photo back then, but they have a nostalgic appeal these days. I enjoyed weekdays at the Jct because it was far less busy with various railfan automobiles parked every which way.
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W.Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: Just a nice clean shot of a trio of GP40-2L(W) heading west thru Bayview Jct on a nice sunny Wednesday morning many moons ago. CN 9457, 9599 and 9554 made for a commonplace photo back then, but they have a nostalgic appeal these days. I enjoyed weekdays at the Jct because it was far less busy with various railfan automobiles parked every which way.

A.W.Mooney [2212] (more) (contact)
Date: 03/21/1979 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 9457 (search)
Train Symbol: unknown (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Dundas Sub. (search)
City/Town: Bayview Jct. (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=27979
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Photo ID: 26821

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  1. They sure looked nice and clean in the 70′s…

  2. No – we avoided Bayview on Wednesday’s back then..It was Arnold mid week day off :)

    Weren’t we just at the exact same spot…yesterday ???

  3. Great pic!

    Looks as though they may have been having issues with the trailing unit ?

  4. Weekdays??!! Some of had to WORK! Or go to school :)

  5. Awh, but Stuart…..I had a crummy store job in which I would rather work the busy days, as in Saturday, and take a slow day off in the middle of the week. Some people on this site seem to think I never did anything except drive around and take pictures. (big grin)

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