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It's high noon in Churchill, MB and the yard crew has been drilling the yard with a variety of flats and boxcars, carrying all sorts of payloads to be offloaded at an open track beside a roadway, or one of the vehicle/equipment ramps off to the right. They are getting in position here to run around a cut of cars placed on the lead to the grain elevator dump building so a load of nice shiny pickup trucks can be spotted at one of the unloading ramps. VIA #693 with a Park car which had arrived on time at 09:00 earlier in the day sits idle in the background in front of the beautiful Churchill station. I had snapped HLCX 1041, LLPX 2605, & HLCX 1046 a few days before on August 1st in Thompson, MB while riding VIA 693 (departed Winnipeg July 31st) on my way to Churchill. Endless scenery and action to be had here!
Copyright Notice: This image ©Paul O'Shell all rights reserved.

Caption: It's high noon in Churchill, MB and the yard crew has been drilling the yard with a variety of flats and boxcars, carrying all sorts of payloads to be offloaded at an open track beside a roadway, or one of the vehicle/equipment ramps off to the right. They are getting in position here to run around a cut of cars placed on the lead to the grain elevator dump building so a load of nice shiny pickup trucks can be spotted at one of the unloading ramps. VIA #693 with a Park car which had arrived on time at 09:00 earlier in the day sits idle in the background in front of the beautiful Churchill station. I had snapped HLCX 1041, LLPX 2605, & HLCX 1046 a few days before on August 1st in Thompson, MB while riding VIA 693 (departed Winnipeg July 31st) on my way to Churchill. Endless scenery and action to be had here!

Paul O'Shell [444] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/04/2022 (search)
Railway: Hudson Bay Railway (search)
Reporting Marks: HLCX 1041, LLPX 2605, HLCX 1046 (search)
Train Symbol: n/a (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Churchill/Herchmer (search)
City/Town: Churchill (search)
Province: Manitoba (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=49698
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Photo ID: 48416

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  1. Another great photo of railroading in the north, where it meets the water.

  2. That is some big blue sky, the weather was perfectly aligned for this trip. :-)

  3. Thanks guys! Yeah, the subject matter was as great as the weather for me on this wonderful trip to Churchill. I’m looking forward to doing it again in the cold weather months. Maybe November/December 2023. ????

  4. Paul, is the Park car regularly on the VIA train or was this a special movement ? Have see pictures of a Park car on Churchill trains in October for riders to view the Northern Lights, but didn’t think it was part of the passenger consist all the time. Nice contrasting colours on the three diesels, and not a sign of the CN noodle ! Nice picture, John

  5. Hi John. The park car is currently not a regular piece of equipment on VIA 692/693. On this particular day, the arriving VIA 693 had a large tour group of folks which prompted the addition of an extra economy coach, Manor sleeping car, and tail end Park car to the normal consist. This incoming VIA 693 became my departing VIA 692 that evening, but we departed Churchill WITHOUT the Manor sleeper and Park car. ☹

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