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....it's a beautiful evening...
...to be train watching in Jasper....
...and not a CN unit in sight...
VIA #1 is two hours late departing Jasper station,  
Tuesday September 18, 2018 at 20:30; image by S.Danko at Jasper Alberta
what's interesting
the quite noticeable haze remains, evidence of the  summer 2018 severe forest fire season – on this day  the fires continue to burn in northeast British Columbia
 Sept 18 at 20:00 VIA equipment (perhaps standby for Wednesday's VIA #5 ) at the VIA Jasper service cabin back track from east (end of track) to west:
8133 at end of track, coach in same location as prior week
8613 Baggage
8123 coach
6441 F40PH-3 ( at idle - account the expected frosty night - facing west )

also seen at Jasper 9 am Tuesday September 18, 2018 on Jasper Station track:
( possible consist for train #5 departure 12:30 Wednesday )
6459 F40PH-3 ( shut down facing East)
8601 baggage
8126 coach
8511 Skyline
Copyright Notice: This image ©sdfourty all rights reserved.


....it's a beautiful evening...

...to be train watching in Jasper....

...and not a CN unit in sight...

VIA #1 is two hours late departing Jasper station,

Tuesday September 18, 2018 at 20:30; image by S.Danko at Jasper Alberta

what's interesting

the quite noticeable haze remains, evidence of the summer 2018 severe forest fire season – on this day the fires continue to burn in northeast British Columbia

Sept 18 at 20:00 VIA equipment (perhaps standby for Wednesday's VIA #5 ) at the VIA Jasper service cabin back track from east (end of track) to west:
8133 at end of track, coach in same location as prior week 8613 Baggage 8123 coach 6441 F40PH-3 ( at idle - account the expected frosty night - facing west )

also seen at Jasper 9 am Tuesday September 18, 2018 on Jasper Station track:
( possible consist for train #5 departure 12:30 Wednesday ) 6459 F40PH-3 ( shut down facing East) 8601 baggage 8126 coach 8511 Skyline


sdfourty [725] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/18/2018 (search)
Railway: VIA Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: VIA#1 (search)
Train Symbol: VIA#1 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Jasper (search)
City/Town: Jasper (search)
Province: Alberta (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=35230
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