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It was June 2003 when CP's grand old steam engine 2816, touring Canada, made the rounds in Ontario, having run southbound over the big Parry Sound bridge on June 5th and returning north over same on June 22nd. It was a month when all the train nuts were foaming in overdrive. This one was rather bad as well. :o)  The handful of fans who ventured out around the High Level Bridge at the west end of Hamilton became increasingly disappointed as the prevailent sunshine disappeared and a cloud provoked drizzle took over while the train was delayed somewhere up the line around Waterdown due to fallen trees, of all things. Speculation of vandals in action was the general feeling, but I never did find out what happened. Anyway, it all worked out in the end and the train put on a grand show as it rolled by; this photo now a treasure in the sense that latest rumour has it CP has the old 2816 up for sale. We may never see it run in Canada again.  A huge loss.
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W.Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: It was June 2003 when CP's grand old steam engine 2816, touring Canada, made the rounds in Ontario, having run southbound over the big Parry Sound bridge on June 5th and returning north over same on June 22nd. It was a month when all the train nuts were foaming in overdrive. This one was rather bad as well. :o) The handful of fans who ventured out around the High Level Bridge at the west end of Hamilton became increasingly disappointed as the prevailent sunshine disappeared and a cloud provoked drizzle took over while the train was delayed somewhere up the line around Waterdown due to fallen trees, of all things. Speculation of vandals in action was the general feeling, but I never did find out what happened. Anyway, it all worked out in the end and the train put on a grand show as it rolled by; this photo now a treasure in the sense that latest rumour has it CP has the old 2816 up for sale. We may never see it run in Canada again. A huge loss.

A.W.Mooney [2207] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/08/2003 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 2816 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: CP Ham Sub(Desjardins) (search)
City/Town: Hamilton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=7852
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  1. Fabulous shot. I breifly remember seeing 2816 parked for the night at Abordeen, wish I had been old enough to take a photo. It dosen’t supprise me about the romur, however sad it makes me. Hunter Harison’s already disposing of some EMD power(Red Barns and SD 90′s) I was hoping the MLW (2816) would last a little longer for me to see hear again.

  2. Mark: ANYTHING steam is worth the trip to see these days. Not only are operational ones becoming rather scarce, getting track to run them on is tough as well. And qualified mechanics must be getting hard to come by. I can’t imagine us seeing mainline steam operating in Ontario again.
    Check the tourist roads and plan a trip.

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