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Very nice. I must say the train set back then looked better. No mismatching greens.
Awesome shot! Having grown up with these trains in Burlington during the ’80s, I love seeing any vintage GO Transit equipment. The uniformity of today’s GO is so…boring.
Yes, an F unit on the front of these cars looks much better.
There is a green structure on the roof just behind the rad fans. I will guess an icicle breaker, but, I cannot imagine there are many tunnels or anything else that would produce them. Maybe a left over from earlier days that has not been removed?
Larry, that structure is not an icicle breaker. I believe it was a housing that covered the HEP exhaust and was added after being modified from ONR. These units had no prime mover- only a head end power generator.
Aha, thanks GO564. Looking very carefully, zoomed in, you can just barely make out the the pusher on the rear end.
Lovely spot that little town behind you. I once took a date to the pub that was there killing two birds with one stone, as it were, hoping to catch some trains.
Dang!! Now you have me puzzled, Brad. A Pub??? I only remember various places on the corner, a hamburg joint and also a General Merchandise type place. Where was the pub? How long did it last?
Arnold, maybe more of a roadhouse but that’s what pub’s are here compared to Britain but similar on tap ..looking at google maps it was either located at where now the Fine House Furnishings (good view of the tracks) is or where the Thai cuisine is now. Good combo eh? We had a similar place in Bala, ON for a good view of the MacTier sub. But you know how those place go.
Okay, Brad. NOW I understand. I didn’t patronize many places there except that small restaurant next to the gas station. And that was onl;y when I knew there wasn’t a train around. CP used to be so much busier before.