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It is a rather hot July 1st, and CN 7166 is about to cross over the canal via Bridge 20, to fetch a few loads.
The Sidekick has just grabbed a shot of the unit passing CN Port Colborne station so we've got this move covered. (she earned her keep)  Bridge 20 was removed 20 years later, and the track was realigned curving north thru the pavement on the right, running now up the west side of the canal.
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W.Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: It is a rather hot July 1st, and CN 7166 is about to cross over the canal via Bridge 20, to fetch a few loads. The Sidekick has just grabbed a shot of the unit passing CN Port Colborne station so we've got this move covered. (she earned her keep) Bridge 20 was removed 20 years later, and the track was realigned curving north thru the pavement on the right, running now up the west side of the canal.

A.W.Mooney [2212] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/01/1977 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 7166 (search)
Train Symbol: local (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Dunnville Sub (search)
City/Town: Port Colborne (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=28160
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  1. The side-kick: Laurel !

  2. I spent a week in P.C. at the Georgian College marine facility and Barber Rd. in 08. Not once did I even catch a glimpse of the Trillium S-13. Thanks for sharing. Did you eve make it up to Midland, Ontario?

  3. Midland station photo in my files, somewhere, yes. Used to be a ‘resident’ switcher there in the late 70s.

  4. Nicely done, Mr. Mooney! Railfanning always seems to be a little more enjoyable with a female ‘sidekick’.

  5. And I strongly suspect you have been cornering the market.

  6. hahahahahah

  7. Nice Arnold ! Very reminiscent of some good times past.

  8. Interesting photo Arnold. First, I did not know that CN had yellow flashing lights on the roof at this early date. But checking CNRPhotos.com and I see there were other 7100′s in the Toronto area with this. Second, which I find more unusual and surely an engineer favourite, is that the horns are not mounted in the middle of the roof but right over the hogheads window. Yow! :-)

  9. You can bet that poor lad hears horns in his sleep.

  10. Another great one Arnold.
    Started driving my bike up to the station in 1980. The brakeman/fireman gave me CN timetable 61 at that station.
    I remember when the switcher would park for the day off Elm St near Borden Ave. Later years it parked near the station by the old wood unloading ramp.Now a parking lot.
    Only time I ever heard it blow its horn was on Elm St if a car or truck got in the way. I remember If the Van was being pushed first they would blow the small air whistle at some road crossings.
    Thanks. Bill

  11. Nice memories. See way down the line/ It looks like a freight car or two in the distance. There used to be a yard there but I didn’t find it until too late. Wonder if you had an idea what went on down that way in those days.

  12. I remember one time in 1976…seeing an EB 388 run through there…not sure if that train ran via cowpath and sometimes was routed that way….if I recall correctly there was a 387/388 Fort Erie to ..Sarnia or Windsor ?

  13. Arnold I almost always seen the CN switcher using that yard. It was full of CN cylindrical hoppers and CN and TH&B 40 foot boxcars for the Robin Hood. The CN and TH&B Geep were always switching the Nickel yard on the east side. With TH&B going up to the Maple Leaf Mills as we called it back then.

  14. Thanks for the yard info. Another thing I remember is seeing old dead Vulcan centre-cab (I think) switchers over at the International Nickel, but never saw one running. But did not catch TH&B in the area that I can recall. I logged all the prints I have taken over the years, but never bothered logging the slides. It has been an adventure going thru old photos for this site.

  15. Arnold I remember the INCO yellow GE 50 ton switcher. Got a cab ride in it once. Also the GE 50? ton switcher at Algoma Steel on the canal. My dad use to go watch the GE 45 tonner from Canada Cement when he was a kid. Also in the late 80s some small switchers in a scrap yard on Welland Street.
    Snake. I only seen one large train pass threw town. Was EB about 5 MLW locomotives on it and about 60 Plus cars. Would be 1980 or 1981 at the latest.

  16. Well, since I did not live in the Port., I must say I cannot recall the yellow 50 tonner. But then I can barely recall what I THINK I can recall. :o ) Seems to me there were a couple of derelict locos near the canal…thinking INCO must have had a yard near the water back then. Need to find my old topographic map of the area. Thanks for the info. It is a shame no photos of the operations around there have surfaced.

  17. 388 WAS sarnia to ft.erie.usually through port colborne in wee hours of AM.

  18. To TH&B401: Do you remember any red 50 tonners around town. As in centre-cab with number circled on the side? I am trying to ID a photo.

  19. ..look behind Nickel beach…..nickel….nickel…

  20. Hello Arnold. No I cant say I do, might of been from the Steel plant?

  21. Thanks. There was INCO, Algoma and Canadian Steel (or something like that)around there at one time or another. Maybe more.

  22. http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=40077

    Should be the switcher for INCO in question

  23. Confirming that INCO, Canadian Furnace, and Canada Cement all had GE centre cab switchers in town, I will post a shot taken in the late 80′s of the GE 50 Ton unit in INCO YELLOW..

  24. Appreciated and most interesting.

  25. Very interesting Albert, and most informative posted comments. I see there is no sign of the NS&T track that used to end just to the left of the CN 7166 and a few feet west of the Sidekick. That’s where the NS&T interurban car from Thorold would change ends in preparation to its northbound run back to Thorold. Very nice looking “sidekick” . Does she have a name ? Thanks for sharing.

  26. @railwayguy: The ‘Sidekick’ is Laurel, and she currently is a doc’s assistant in Niagara Falls. We still keep in touch after 40+ years. Ah, the carefree days of youth. Sigh………

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