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Inside the shop at the sprawling CN Macmillan yard north of Toronto we see CN 3150 undergoing work. Hard place to photograph in back then, and not easy for a non-employee to wander around in either. This locomotive, an MLW RS-18m built for "Tempo" passenger service back in 1960, was retired along with its sisters 3151-3155 in 1983.
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W.Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: Inside the shop at the sprawling CN Macmillan yard north of Toronto we see CN 3150 undergoing work. Hard place to photograph in back then, and not easy for a non-employee to wander around in either. This locomotive, an MLW RS-18m built for "Tempo" passenger service back in 1960, was retired along with its sisters 3151-3155 in 1983.

A.W.Mooney [2213] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/14/1979 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 3150 (search)
Train Symbol: n/a (search)
Subdivision/SNS: MacMillan Yard (search)
City/Town: Concord (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=34208
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Photo ID: 33030

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  1. Didn’t these have HEP generators?

  2. Yes they did – that’s the HEP generator being serviced. The short hood on the TEMPO units extended to the edge of the frame (there was no end walkway) to make space for the HEP genny.

    Also cool is the notation on the cab side for the 92 mph gear ratio.

    Mr. Mooney, you keep outdoing yourself with these photos.

  3. Thanks for ALL the commentary here, Jakob.

  4. The ‘collision’ posts are evident in this photo also. They were moved forwar, since they now sit where the front walkway was.

  5. I worked on one of them at pSC in 1968,38??,4 years later i worked at Tor yard DS,this shop,hadn,t seen the inside since 1972.

  6. I worked on CN for a few months in 1973 before hiring on CP. I was on the Yard spareboard, but I did get a call for a roadswitcher one night. The train ran from Mimico to Oshawa & return. It used passenger power from Spadina that was laying over. The leader eastward was an FPA-4 the middle unit was a B unit (can’t recall maker) and the trailer was one of these Tempo units. I missed my first “hoop” at Cabin D, not used to the long reach down from the A unit. On the return trip the hogger changed ends & the Tempo unit was leading. Those units had dual controls & there sure wasn’t much room in the cab, with two full controls stands in there. I wish I’d had a camera with me over the years, I missed the chance to photograph a lot of interesting stuff.

  7. I should note that my CN job was in Toronto, I quit & hired on CP in London so I could move back home.

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