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Insert catchy heading here. This is a shot where there really isn't anything more than meets the eye, so I'm struggling to try and intriguingly write about it...

The facts are the 0800 job, with a cumbersome cut of gondolas for MANA and coils for Stelco, backs into Parkland fuels early on a weekday morning. With the recent time change, there really isn't much time to shoot in daylight in the evenings. So it was nice to have a chance to "get stopped by" a train on the way into work in the early morning sunlight.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Mark MacCauley all rights reserved.

Caption: Insert catchy heading here. This is a shot where there really isn't anything more than meets the eye, so I'm struggling to try and intriguingly write about it...

The facts are the 0800 job, with a cumbersome cut of gondolas for MANA and coils for Stelco, backs into Parkland fuels early on a weekday morning. With the recent time change, there really isn't much time to shoot in daylight in the evenings. So it was nice to have a chance to "get stopped by" a train on the way into work in the early morning sunlight.

Mark MacCauley [104] (more) (contact)
Date: 11/06/2019 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 1412 (search)
Train Symbol: 0800 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Firestone Spur? (search)
City/Town: Hamilton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=39385
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Photo ID: 38191

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. A nice way to start the day. I think the track might be the Rod Mill Runaround, but I am not entirely certain of that.

  2. Sorry for another comment. This is almost certainly the 0600 and not the 0800, just for your notes. The 0600 does Stelco and MANA. I know the typical pattern is the triple set on the 0600 and 1400 and the double set on the 0800 and 1600, but if Triple 5 is late then the 0600 will use the double set. Especially to see them this far east at that time of day – no way could the 0800 be that speedy. ;) I’ve made this mistake myself before. Saw the double set shoving all the way to Stelco and assumed it was the 0800. One of the crew members let me know it was almost certainly the 0600 and the domino effect of a late 555.

  3. Thanks James! You’re right about it being the 0600, this shot was taken at 0748 so being the 0800 job doesn’t make as much sense. I did the same thing, solely basing my assumption on the fact that it was the double set lol. Mark

  4. The coil cars should be a dead giveaway. Stelco and MANA would be the last moves made before going back to the yard.

  5. Holy Nitpicky Batman!! :)

  6. Fans can be that picky sometimes :)

  7. The sun and sky is terrific.

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