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In the winter of 1971/72 CP had leased a lot of engines from other railroads. By February the crunch had really hit and CP went to the B&O for help. I had received a phone call from Bruce Chapman in Ottawa that these 3 engines were in Windsor. The next morning train 74 with the very first use of the leased F7’s is drifting down the grade at Guelph Jct hauling 97 cars for Toronto etc.  No sooner had this trio arrived Agincourt they were quickly needed for train 955 on the Mactier Sub and the following morning were in Chapleau. CP would lease a total of 28 F7A & B units from B&O, 1 or 2 of which were in C&O paint but relettered.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Bruce Mercer all rights reserved.

Caption: In the winter of 1971/72 CP had leased a lot of engines from other railroads. By February the crunch had really hit and CP went to the B&O for help. I had received a phone call from Bruce Chapman in Ottawa that these 3 engines were in Windsor. The next morning train 74 with the very first use of the leased F7’s is drifting down the grade at Guelph Jct hauling 97 cars for Toronto etc. No sooner had this trio arrived Agincourt they were quickly needed for train 955 on the Mactier Sub and the following morning were in Chapleau. CP would lease a total of 28 F7A & B units from B&O, 1 or 2 of which were in C&O paint but relettered.

Bruce Mercer [100] (more) (contact)
Date: 2/10/1972 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: B&O 4622-5498-4646 (search)
Train Symbol: No. 74 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CP Galt Sub (search)
City/Town: Guelph Junction (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=29413
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  1. Great classic pic there Brice….you could be in Salamanca with that image.
    I see bad weather brings out big photo bombs from you….Guess we’ll see allot more over the next three rainy days, eh?

  2. Thank you. No doubt these WERE on the Buffalo Division just weeks before they were leased. Fortunately I am running low on images to be submitted, so the viewers will be spared my flashbacks for a while.

  3. Those B&O F’s were a pretty ratty bunch. CP returned many of them as unserviceable.

  4. Wow!

  5. 74 was typically ordered in Windsor for 0001. Usually there was piggyback traffic to lift off the scale track before putting the power on the train. In this case though, the pig may have been lifted at Woodstock or Windsor. I say that because a few cars back are gondolas with large wooden crates on them. The would have originated in Tillsonburg & been lifted at Woodstock. They were always destined for St. John & a boat trip overseas.

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