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In the three years that passed since I had my cab ride in 4138, the unit had gone on to become a ‘movie star’. It was chosen to be in the 1997 Canadian comedy “The Wrong Guy” that was filmed primarily around Toronto and area. While the movie didn’t receive much box office success, the unit had had its CN markings removed and became AR Illinois after a fictional shortline that appeared in the film. When the movie was finished, the GP9RM’s return to CN caused quite a stir amongst railfans. Most people didn’t realize it was used in a movie shoot until the film was released. I honestly grew tired of AR 4138 rather quickly and much preferred its original CN wet noodles, as the unit had during my ride. Ironically, even as of 2020 the unit still has its AR Illinois markings on the nose, however they are fading so badly it now looks like ‘AP’ Illinois.

Here, 4138 is viewed still movie fresh as it is seen switching industries in Elmira. At the time, Nutrite, Sulco Chemical and Uniroyal Chemicals were the three main customers serviced by the 15:30 Kitchener Job.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Carl Noe (Collection of Jason Noe) all rights reserved.

Caption: In the three years that passed since I had my cab ride in 4138, the unit had gone on to become a ‘movie star’. It was chosen to be in the 1997 Canadian comedy “The Wrong Guy” that was filmed primarily around Toronto and area. While the movie didn’t receive much box office success, the unit had had its CN markings removed and became AR Illinois after a fictional shortline that appeared in the film. When the movie was finished, the GP9RM’s return to CN caused quite a stir amongst railfans. Most people didn’t realize it was used in a movie shoot until the film was released. I honestly grew tired of AR 4138 rather quickly and much preferred its original CN wet noodles, as the unit had during my ride. Ironically, even as of 2020 the unit still has its AR Illinois markings on the nose, however they are fading so badly it now looks like ‘AP’ Illinois.
Here, 4138 is viewed still movie fresh as it is seen switching industries in Elmira. At the time, Nutrite, Sulco Chemical and Uniroyal Chemicals were the three main customers serviced by the 15:30 Kitchener Job.

Carl Noe (Collection of Jason Noe) [1006] (more) (contact)
Date: September 3, 1996 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 4138 (search)
Train Symbol: CN 15:30 Kitchener Job (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Waterloo Spur (search)
City/Town: Elmira (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=42212
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