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In the dying spring light CMQ 9020 and 9011 lead GPS-16 as they lug it up the grade south of Tottenham. Photographing trains is something I wish I could do more often. I adventure out so infrequently that I can just barely call it a hobby. I am out so little that the last time I saw an SD40 of any kind was close to 7 years ago, just as CP began to purge much of their fleet. So, when I caught wind that 2 blue barns would be leading it was trackside I went. Soon a distant cry of a Nathan K3L rang off the shallow valley walls, and not long after the echo of 645s approached. A headlight crested the small hill and 2 of GMDs finest made their presence known. With mixed freight and a loaded ballast train in tow, they are down to about 10 miles an hour. While the glory days of fast freight and priority trains may be over for these old soldiers, they now earn their keep on the trains that keep the railroad running.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Jack Oomen all rights reserved.

Caption: In the dying spring light CMQ 9020 and 9011 lead GPS-16 as they lug it up the grade south of Tottenham. Photographing trains is something I wish I could do more often. I adventure out so infrequently that I can just barely call it a hobby. I am out so little that the last time I saw an SD40 of any kind was close to 7 years ago, just as CP began to purge much of their fleet. So, when I caught wind that 2 blue barns would be leading it was trackside I went. Soon a distant cry of a Nathan K3L rang off the shallow valley walls, and not long after the echo of 645s approached. A headlight crested the small hill and 2 of GMDs finest made their presence known. With mixed freight and a loaded ballast train in tow, they are down to about 10 miles an hour. While the glory days of fast freight and priority trains may be over for these old soldiers, they now earn their keep on the trains that keep the railroad running.

Jack Oomen [3] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/17/2021 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CMQ 9020 (search)
Train Symbol: GPS-16 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Mactier Subdivision (search)
City/Town: Palgrave (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=45174
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