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In September 1996, VIA Rail had launched the testing of two IC3 Flexliner demonstrator sets on some of their routes throughout Ontario. These new units were designed and built by ADtranz, which was a new company spin-off created from ABB and Daimler-Benz. These two trainsets entered revenue service on September 29, as it was concurrent with the release of the new VIA Rail system timetable that touted the trains as a “commuter service.” However, just as quickly as they began service they were removed on September 30 as they were found to not be reliably activating track circuitry due to their light weight. Eventually, after 7 weeks of further testing and modifications they were deemed fit to return to service where they operated on assignments from Toronto to Ottawa, Stratford, London and Niagara Falls in various schedule rotations. One set would operate until March 1997 and the other stopped running in early May. In the end, the tests were reportedly not successful and VIA Rail felt the technology would not “fit their needs.” Here, one of the sets is seen stopped at the Woodstock station on the CN Dundas Subdivision with not many passengers around as it heads eastbound from London.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Carl Noe (Collection of Jason Noe) all rights reserved.

Caption: In September 1996, VIA Rail had launched the testing of two IC3 Flexliner demonstrator sets on some of their routes throughout Ontario. These new units were designed and built by ADtranz, which was a new company spin-off created from ABB and Daimler-Benz. These two trainsets entered revenue service on September 29, as it was concurrent with the release of the new VIA Rail system timetable that touted the trains as a “commuter service.” However, just as quickly as they began service they were removed on September 30 as they were found to not be reliably activating track circuitry due to their light weight. Eventually, after 7 weeks of further testing and modifications they were deemed fit to return to service where they operated on assignments from Toronto to Ottawa, Stratford, London and Niagara Falls in various schedule rotations. One set would operate until March 1997 and the other stopped running in early May. In the end, the tests were reportedly not successful and VIA Rail felt the technology would not “fit their needs.” Here, one of the sets is seen stopped at the Woodstock station on the CN Dundas Subdivision with not many passengers around as it heads eastbound from London.

Carl Noe (Collection of Jason Noe) [1024] (more) (contact)
Date: March 12, 1997 (search)
Railway: VIA Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: VIA Rail IC3 Flexliner (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: CN Dundas Subdivision (search)
City/Town: Woodstock (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=50556
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