Caption: In early 2018, one of the 0700 or 0800 SOR yard jobs (corrections welcome, my notes contained everything but the ID) switches out one of the few Bunge locations in the Hamilton area on a beautiful morning. I watched these guys switch Stuart St for a bit earlier until CN 551 called out the approach to Hamilton with a trio of CN GP9RMs. They ended up running to Parkdale which I also shot, and a few other industries on the Grimsby Sub before running back to Aldershot. I then ran back into the SOR job as I slowly crept back home, and thus came this photograph. If only the GP9 led though. :)
Very nice. Wish I had half a clue what was going on back then. Oh well, live and learn. I can’t help you with the SOR ID, but the CN you saw was probably 550 – they were doing Parkdale/Grimsby Sub in the daytime back then.
This is the Bunge EOF (Edible Oil Facility) where oils are blended. Now handled by the 1500 Yard Job, so not nearly as photogenic these days!
I totally can relate to you there LOL I was a tad confused in the time too, but as you said perfectly, you live and learn. Thanks for the info though, always appreciated! Glad I got this a few times then
There were 3 yard jobs and one turn out of Hamilton if my memory serves me correct. An 0700 (7 days a week), 1900 (Sun-Thur), 1600 (Mon-Fri) and a Paris turn (unsure of schedule).
The EOF plant was typically switched in the dark as it was part of the 1900 job (less truck traffic in the facility), however the 0700 would do it as required depending on the load of the 1900 job that night (info as per SOR employee)
Awesome. I saw the Paris turn once or twice, and only ended up with a single shot of it. Good to know. Appreciate it