Caption: If there's one thing the Southern Ontario Railway Hagersville division is not known for, is photos of SOR trains switching customers. Of the five or six along the line, only two are accessible or near public property, the rest are deep in large inaccessible complexes. Furthermore, the two accessible customers are switched by the Paris turn in darkness, so when in September and October the Paris turn was ordered 1500, the chances of finding a daylight run finally became possible. I had imagined this scene years prior in my drives to Port Dover and was finally able to make it happen. Thanks to RP.CA contributor Glenn Cherry for use of his convenient ladder to make this possible.
While shooting here Security were very interested in us - we're basically just beside the reserve and tensions were high - but they were Ok with our presence when we noted the train is our subject.
CGC, the Canada Gypsum Company has been operating a Gypsum mine here since 1931 and is the last mine operating in the area, once numbering in the dozens. CGC (now part of USG) conveniently processes it on-site into wallboard for shipment to the US - the place is BUSY and if they miss a switch, the plant will shut down with no where to stockpile the product. As a result, they were also getting switched 5 or 6 days a week and were the main reason 597 continued to run while Imperial Nanticoke was shut down. This day they were so hurting for cars that upon arrival, they were met by a Trackmobile who quickly grabbed one empty and shoved it into the plant while the SOR lifted the loads and set off the empties. CGC also receives the odd car of plaster, pearlite and starch and various hoppers are noted in the tracks on north side of the building. CGC loads both Centrebeams and Boxcars for outbound shipments. CGC does not ship any outbound Gypsum by rail at this time.
Note that I did significant research into this facility including speaking to the Company directly, so if you use any of this info you can source this post. Thanks!
Also: This was one of the last runs, if not the last run of NECR 3840 before being sent off for rebuild.