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If memory serves, we were out walking the dog when I saw TH21 crossing Cannon Street on the Belt Line with cars for interchange for CN. When we got home I grabbed my camera and jumped in the car and met up with them at Ottawa Street. Pictured here, they're coming off the interchange having just dropped their cars, onto the CN N&NW Spur, and crossing back over to the CP Beach Branch.
Copyright Notice: This image ©James Knott all rights reserved.

Caption: If memory serves, we were out walking the dog when I saw TH21 crossing Cannon Street on the Belt Line with cars for interchange for CN. When we got home I grabbed my camera and jumped in the car and met up with them at Ottawa Street. Pictured here, they're coming off the interchange having just dropped their cars, onto the CN N&NW Spur, and crossing back over to the CP Beach Branch.

James Knott [535] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/06/2021 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 3117 (search)
Train Symbol: TH21 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: N&NW Spur (search)
City/Town: Hamilton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=47701
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Photo ID: 46435

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  1. What a spectacular glow you captured ! A question about interchange: does CP leave cars for CN on the tracks between Gage and Ottawa ? Or is that where CN leaves cars for CP. I think I saw your comments on this before but I can’t find them. TIA

  2. Cool. Literally the last rays of light.

  3. Correct. Between Gage and Ottawa is where CP drops for CN. Between Ottawa and Kenilworth is where CN drops for CP. Commonly interchanged cars are meal hoppers and oil tanks from Bunge, loads of plate steel for Empire (come in on 246), lumber loads for Grimsby Sub customers, Triple M cars (though CP will be doing them now too I’m told), miscellaneous tanks (likely some combo of TTL, Vopak, Biox but TTL is the only one I’m really sure of).

  4. Some pellet hoppers get interchanged with regularity as well.

  5. @jknott86: Many thanks for all those details. It strikes me as odd that there isn’t a switch at Gage to allow CP to move right onto the interchange tracks from the Beach Branch. It looks like they’d have to clear Ottawa then back in. Anyway, thanks again for the info.

  6. Yup. Interchange on both sides of the street is access off the N&NW Spur.

    When they lift from the other side they stretch west on the N&NW towards Depew to clear that switch here in the picture then shove back towards Adams Yard.

  7. Here they are stretched to Depew pulling interchange. http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=46449

  8. That helps ! Thanks

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