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I'd always had it in mind to replicate Mr Mooney's shot taken of a CN powered GEXR train in Breslau in 1998 and well, this is the best I could do as it's very overgrown. Once CN took over I knew I had to do it though. This would be the east side of the bridge for an eastbound train. I tried only in the spring or fall due to foliage and it even took a bit of brush clearing to fully clear out this portal. The view from the south west side is also rather nice and I even shot  OSR here as well as passenger trains. Alas, Metrolinx this week has installed permanent fencing on both sides of the bridge and while these shots are very much still possible, it won't be the same. I had a hunch that Metrolinx would do it so I made sure to capture a variety of angles over the last couple of years. More to come :)
Copyright Notice: This image ©Stephen C. Host all rights reserved.

Caption: I'd always had it in mind to replicate Mr Mooney's shot taken of a CN powered GEXR train in Breslau in 1998 and well, this is the best I could do as it's very overgrown. Once CN took over I knew I had to do it though. This would be the east side of the bridge for an eastbound train. I tried only in the spring or fall due to foliage and it even took a bit of brush clearing to fully clear out this portal. The view from the south west side is also rather nice and I even shot OSR here as well as passenger trains. Alas, Metrolinx this week has installed permanent fencing on both sides of the bridge and while these shots are very much still possible, it won't be the same. I had a hunch that Metrolinx would do it so I made sure to capture a variety of angles over the last couple of years. More to come :)

Stephen C. Host [1541] (more) (contact)
Date: 5/16/2020 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 4790, 7083, 4125, 4136 (search)
Train Symbol: L540 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Breslau (search)
City/Town: Breslau (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=44641
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Photo ID: 43409

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  1. This is real cool, always wondered if anyone had tried an eastbound shot on this side

  2. I should re phrase, eastbound shot on this side in this era. I do wonder how much brush clearing this needed haha

  3. Well, once could shoot from ground level (river side) if they wanted to but those pesky wires will be in the way. Homes were otherwise built nearby since 1998 so I think Arnolds view is long gone, and of course the trees have had 23 years to grow ever taller.

    There were a few branches that had to be cleared to make it open and it’s a very small window.

  4. Very nice. Before I even got to reading the caption I had two thoughts: First one was that Young Mr. Host had done some manicuring; and second; I wondered if a railing was up. Yes, apparently the answer to both.
    Too bad about this. It was a great spot while it lasted.

  5. I had some help with the manicuring.. but we did a bit :)

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