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I have always had a fascination for CN’s rebuilt GP9RM’s, and with the ongoing delivery of rebuilt GATX GP38’s, it appears that their days may finally be numbered. They are the oldest operating fleet of locomotives out of any of the Class 1 Railroads. CN 4138 has been unique for many years now as it still carries the fictional AR Illinois lettering on its nose that was applied for a tv production. I think I will miss these units the most since the loss of the MLW’s. Here we see local 551 heading to work the chemical facility near Mansewood after working the old glass lead and Westrock.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Marcus W Stevens all rights reserved.

Caption: I have always had a fascination for CN’s rebuilt GP9RM’s, and with the ongoing delivery of rebuilt GATX GP38’s, it appears that their days may finally be numbered. They are the oldest operating fleet of locomotives out of any of the Class 1 Railroads. CN 4138 has been unique for many years now as it still carries the fictional AR Illinois lettering on its nose that was applied for a tv production. I think I will miss these units the most since the loss of the MLW’s. Here we see local 551 heading to work the chemical facility near Mansewood after working the old glass lead and Westrock.

Marcus W Stevens [1072] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/09/2018 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 4138 (search)
Train Symbol: 551 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Halton sub. (search)
City/Town: Milton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=34346
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  1. Don’t count those old girls out just yet my friend. I was lucky enough to have 4136 assigned to me on a work train for a few weeks when she was a brand new rebuild from Pt.St.Charles. I was so excited to get a “new” unit as I had run her sisters in high hood form too.
    CN may have other plans for these units, who knows?

  2. Whoa, who said these were on the way out ?? True, some GATX units are being leased and true the GP9RM’s are long in the tooth. But I wouldn’t throw them under the bus just yet.

  3. Haha those GP9′s will outlive us all!!

  4. I certainly hope the rumours are wrong and they even outlive the GEVO’s, LOL

  5. If anything would short lines picked them up? And when will CN get around to repainting the GP38-2′s? ;)

  6. The GATX are being leased for the SOR/GEXR takeover, nothing should be retired for a while :)

  7. I was wondering if that might be the case as the GEXR and SOR takeover will certainly require more units.

  8. Not necessarily Marcus. Remember CN has excelled in the railroad industry at moving more tonnage with less locomotives. I doubt the leasers will be purchased. Its unfortunate that the builders no loger offer lower horsepower locomotives and in fact I can’t even remember the last time a new 4 axle domestic unit was built by GE or Muncie?
    I think you will probably find that GP9RM’s will outlast many other “younger”locomotives.

  9. It’s interesting how impressed CP has been with its GP20ECO’s but CN shows no interest in these newer units.

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