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I get the general impression that there isn't much love among railfans for the GMTX leasers currently on CN, but they look a-okay when they're clean and in nice light.  Case in point are GMTX 2255 and GMTX 2695, which for the past two months or so have been assigned to CN 580 in Brantford.  I'd probably have 101 shots of these by now if it wasn't for the pandemic.  Chasing them to Hagersville is difficult for the time being with the First Nations COVID-19 checkpoint / road closure at Onondaga and the bridge closure for construction in Caledonia.  Hopefully things improve in the not too distance future.  Stay safe.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Rob Smith all rights reserved.

Caption: I get the general impression that there isn't much love among railfans for the GMTX leasers currently on CN, but they look a-okay when they're clean and in nice light. Case in point are GMTX 2255 and GMTX 2695, which for the past two months or so have been assigned to CN 580 in Brantford. I'd probably have 101 shots of these by now if it wasn't for the pandemic. Chasing them to Hagersville is difficult for the time being with the First Nations COVID-19 checkpoint / road closure at Onondaga and the bridge closure for construction in Caledonia. Hopefully things improve in the not too distance future. Stay safe.

Rob Smith [379] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/20/2020 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: GMTX 2255 (search)
Train Symbol: CN 580 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: Brantford (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=41510
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  1. LOL, I have run a few “leasers” in my time.
    The crews will be not so quick to complain when the dog days of summer are upon them and the temperature is in the mid to high 20′s. That rooftop AC will be more than welcome relief compared to CN’s no air conditioned GP9/38/40′s units :-)

  2. I think Rob was making the point that not a lot of Railfans are fans of the leasers. Typically when they’re amongst a set of solid CN power they make the shot less appealing etc. Personally I like the variety they bring and a matching pair is a welcome sight.

    Crews get their assigned power and can complain all they want but as long as they work then there they go. I would agree though that the A/C units on the locomotives will be welcome for them.

  3. @Joseph. I am surprised that the railfans don’t enjoy having anything that is not the usual power in the consist?
    I agree with you Joseph. I think its great to catch something different.

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