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I adventured down here a few days prior, and noticed that some weeds beside the North track had been cut down, so knowing that, I took advantage of some open areas today. But not all areas were brush free. I ended up waist deep in thorns trying to get over to the side, and pulled a couple muscles hoping up onto the platform. Overall, it was worth it, as I caught a meet between one of the weekend GO Trains, and Amtrak 98, who ironically was led by unit 98. As I clean all the cuts and upload this photo, I ask myself. Was it worth it? My answer? Totally.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Doctapinklaces all rights reserved.

Caption: I adventured down here a few days prior, and noticed that some weeds beside the North track had been cut down, so knowing that, I took advantage of some open areas today. But not all areas were brush free. I ended up waist deep in thorns trying to get over to the side, and pulled a couple muscles hoping up onto the platform. Overall, it was worth it, as I caught a meet between one of the weekend GO Trains, and Amtrak 98, who ironically was led by unit 98. As I clean all the cuts and upload this photo, I ask myself. Was it worth it? My answer? Totally.

Doctapinklaces [73] (more) (contact)
Date: 8/27/2016 (search)
Railway: Amtrak (search)
Reporting Marks: AM 98, GO 663 (search)
Train Symbol: AM 98 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Grimsby Subdivision (search)
City/Town: St Catharines (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=25926
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Photo ID: 24777

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  1. I don’t think I’d hurt myself that bad for a GO train and an Amtrak LOL, but I guess for you Niagara guys, it is worth it considering how scarce trains are :’)

  2. Haha yeah, I’ll take what I can get with trains these days. I’ve always liked this location as this is where I caught some of my first trains so I like to shoot here before it’s unshootable

  3. I was once bitten by mosquitos photographing the FRA Test Car (217) when I lived in Vermont on the New England Central in St. Albans. Worth it? Totally. Those FRA guys were nice. And I knew some people on the NECR so getting that bird photographed was not an issue after getting verbal permission to be on the property. Came up through Rouses Point, into Quebec, then down to St. Albans. If it wasn’t for my scanner I would not have known about that.

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