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How many of us have fond memories of taking the Algoma Central tour train with its exotic equipment including former CP coaches pulled by four or five GP7s in that classic paint scheme (or successor cab units)? And then disembarking in that magnificent Agawa Canyon Park? On a beautiful day, it's an experience you are not likely to forget!
Copyright Notice: This image ©Doug Page all rights reserved.

Caption: How many of us have fond memories of taking the Algoma Central tour train with its exotic equipment including former CP coaches pulled by four or five GP7s in that classic paint scheme (or successor cab units)? And then disembarking in that magnificent Agawa Canyon Park? On a beautiful day, it's an experience you are not likely to forget!

Doug Page [377] (more) (contact)
Date: 7/ /1979 (search)
Railway: Algoma Central (search)
Reporting Marks: AC coaches (search)
Train Symbol: tour train (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Agawa Canyon Park (search)
City/Town: mile 114, Soo sub (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=45120
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Photo ID: 43882

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  1. And how many of us have made the hike up to the lookout above the telegraph pole?

  2. And with any luck, if the WATCO purchase from CN takes place, we will be able to do this again once covid is over. Very nice photo, brings back good memories, thanks for posting, John

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