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Home Sweet Home.  The cleanup begins after a long day for 80 year old CNR 6167, now at it's new site in Guelph's John Galt Park near the River Run Centre and Guelph Junction Railway.  The 683,000 pound locomotive made the trip from it's previous site earlier today with the engine and tender travelling on separate belt pack operated floats from Mammoet.  The full site will be completed early in the new year, with work completed by Greenspace Groups.   The locomotive now sits on the former site of Guelph's CPR yard; originally the site of Guelph's first building, the Priory, which would later become the CPR station in 1887 after completion of the Campellville-Guelph portion of the GJR.Taken onsite in all required PPE with permission.  Special thanks to Greenspace Group, Mammoet, and Metrolinx for allowing today's photo ops.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Jacob Patterson all rights reserved.

Caption: Home Sweet Home. The cleanup begins after a long day for 80 year old CNR 6167, now at it's new site in Guelph's John Galt Park near the River Run Centre and Guelph Junction Railway. The 683,000 pound locomotive made the trip from it's previous site earlier today with the engine and tender travelling on separate belt pack operated floats from Mammoet. The full site will be completed early in the new year, with work completed by Greenspace Groups. The locomotive now sits on the former site of Guelph's CPR yard; originally the site of Guelph's first building, the Priory, which would later become the CPR station in 1887 after completion of the Campellville-Guelph portion of the GJR.

Taken onsite in all required PPE with permission. Special thanks to Greenspace Group, Mammoet, and Metrolinx for allowing today's photo ops.

Jacob Patterson [584] (more) (contact)
Date: 11/14/2020 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CNR 6167 (search)
Train Symbol: 6167 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: N/A (search)
City/Town: Guelph (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=43392
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Photo ID: 42173

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  1. She should have been moved onto live rail and towed to CNR shops for complete restoration.

  2. @PRR5406: What’s CN going to do? I doubt they have many steam maintenance workers on the payroll anymore. CP had to contract out a lot of 2816′s work to Doyle McCormack.

  3. Cool shot Jacob

  4. Nicely done Jacob.

  5. To think just a few months shy of a shot with OSR…. but we’ll get GEXR shots :)

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