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Hoards of rush hour passengers crowd the platform at Queen Subway Station, as their northbound train arrives in the station. Due to slower door cycling, the new Bombardier "Toronto Rocket" subway cars tended to create service gaps along the line, and the cause of this slightly larger-than-normal crowd is evident as one rolls into the station. Naturally it was already packed onboard, and two trains had to pass before the photographer could squeeze into one for the trip up the line to Bloor station, crammed in like sardines and standing elbow-to-elbow with everyone else that managed to squeeze in.

A downtown relief line would be nice, future Toronto mayoral candidates...hint hint.
Copyright Notice: This image ©MrDan all rights reserved.

Caption: Hoards of rush hour passengers crowd the platform at Queen Subway Station, as their northbound train arrives in the station. Due to slower door cycling, the new Bombardier "Toronto Rocket" subway cars tended to create service gaps along the line, and the cause of this slightly larger-than-normal crowd is evident as one rolls into the station. Naturally it was already packed onboard, and two trains had to pass before the photographer could squeeze into one for the trip up the line to Bloor station, crammed in like sardines and standing elbow-to-elbow with everyone else that managed to squeeze in.

A downtown relief line would be nice, future Toronto mayoral candidates...hint hint.

MrDan [1007] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/24/2011 (search)
Railway: Toronto Transit Commission (search)
Reporting Marks: TTC 5426 (search)
Train Symbol: YUS Nbnd (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Queen Subway Station (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=15441
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Photo ID: 14416

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  1. All I can think of from this photo is CHINA! This is what I put up with most days here, and the trains are always on time and frequent! Nice comparison between the subway here and back home. Nice shot!

  2. Also of note, the station platforms in China are much bigger, and rightfully so due to the large population here; people wait in the middle of the two lines in most stations. And they also have plexiglass (Nanjing, specifically) to prevent people from falling onto the tracks.

  3. Thanks for the comments Kevin. Happily, it’s not always like that here ;)

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