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HLCX 1046 trails lead unit HLCX 1041 and sandwiched LLPX 2605 on ZC Zone track 50 as they run around a cut of cars on the grain elevator lead north of the station and end of subdivision point in Churchill. MB. This trio of units has been marshalling cars into order for placement in the yard and at various unloading locations.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Paul O'Shell all rights reserved.

Caption: HLCX 1046 trails lead unit HLCX 1041 and sandwiched LLPX 2605 on ZC Zone track 50 as they run around a cut of cars on the grain elevator lead north of the station and end of subdivision point in Churchill. MB. This trio of units has been marshalling cars into order for placement in the yard and at various unloading locations.

Paul O'Shell [448] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/04/2022 (search)
Railway: Hudson Bay Railway (search)
Reporting Marks: HLCX 1046 (search)
Train Symbol: n/a (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Churchill/Herchmer (search)
City/Town: Churchill (search)
Province: Manitoba (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=49792
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Photo ID: 48507

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. Nice shot of the power with the elevators in the background. That is some big power for roaming a yard with 80lb rail. Hopefully all those big boys weren’t online?

  2. Keep the Churchill shots coming please!

  3. Hi jknott86. I’ll do my best to keep the Churchill trip shots coming. I don’t want to bore the audience.

  4. Paul, you won’t be boring us. Far from it, many of us have never been to Churchill MB and in my case, not likely to be able to ride the HBR. Pictures are very enjoyable and captions informative. Do you know where HBR maintains there power ? Thanks for posting, John

  5. I believe the HBR performs basic maintenance and light repairs on their motive power in The Pas.

  6. There is very little online about anything railroading in Churchill , I can’t see any of us getting bored with these .
    I’ve enjoyed every single one.

  7. Thanks Kevin. I’ll keep them coming and they’ll show up if deemed acceptable. :-)

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