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Here is another one of those old pre-VIA passenger train scenes, featuring the usual mish-mash of whatever power for the head end. CN 4017, VIA 6865, CN 3126 lead westbound #75, the days' usually most patronized train thru here, with the standard long consist. I always referred to this location as 'Bayview East' on account the train is approaching Bayview Jct. Nowadays the location is known as "Snake", and it is getting increasingly difficult to get clear photos here due to new signal tower and encroaching foliage. The leader, GP40 CN 4017, was renumbered to 9317 in 1981, and may still be around somewhere as GMTX 2103. Trailing unit RS-18 was part of a series 3100-3129 committed to passenger service back in those days. Snake Rd bridge in the background is still used by fans for photography, but it is imperative that the bridge and approaches be kept clear despite the lane being a dead-end. Private access to a cemetery.
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W. Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: Here is another one of those old pre-VIA passenger train scenes, featuring the usual mish-mash of whatever power for the head end. CN 4017, VIA 6865, CN 3126 lead westbound #75, the days' usually most patronized train thru here, with the standard long consist. I always referred to this location as 'Bayview East' on account the train is approaching Bayview Jct. Nowadays the location is known as "Snake", and it is getting increasingly difficult to get clear photos here due to new signal tower and encroaching foliage. The leader, GP40 CN 4017, was renumbered to 9317 in 1981, and may still be around somewhere as GMTX 2103. Trailing unit RS-18 was part of a series 3100-3129 committed to passenger service back in those days. Snake Rd bridge in the background is still used by fans for photography, but it is imperative that the bridge and approaches be kept clear despite the lane being a dead-end. Private access to a cemetery.

A.W. Mooney [2212] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/05/1977 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 4017 (search)
Train Symbol: #75 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Oakville Sub. (search)
City/Town: Bayview East (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=15008
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Photo ID: 13984

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One Comment
  1. Ahh, the age old battle between railfan and foliage… probably a no-no to be caught with a , um, reciprocating or rotating pruning implement so close to the RBG, eh?

    They sure could mix’em up back then… now a P42 and an F40 together is ‘interesting’. Sigh.

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