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Heading away from the camera, on the CP Hamilton Sub, is CN L562 with a solo CN 5615 and 50+ cars headed for interchange with Trillium at Feeder. Of note are the 40 or so hoppers bringing up the rear - all old 3800 cubic foot CN hoppers on their final ride with CN, heading for scrap at SLM in Welland. Pictured at centre and crossing over top of 562 on the CN Stamford Sub is CN L531, heading for Fort Erie and onward to Buffalo. 2283 and 2006 were at the helm of 531. I was here waiting for 562 so I could document the demise of these hoppers, and I was up on Miller Road waiting for it to come off of the connecting track and onto the Hamilton Sub, when I heard 531 blowing for a nearby crossing and hoped I might be able to see an interesting meet of two CN trains - one on CP track and the other on CN. I admittedly did not have this shot in mind when I got to Miller, but am happy things fell into place.
Copyright Notice: This image ©James Knott all rights reserved.

Caption: Heading away from the camera, on the CP Hamilton Sub, is CN L562 with a solo CN 5615 and 50+ cars headed for interchange with Trillium at Feeder. Of note are the 40 or so hoppers bringing up the rear - all old 3800 cubic foot CN hoppers on their final ride with CN, heading for scrap at SLM in Welland. Pictured at centre and crossing over top of 562 on the CN Stamford Sub is CN L531, heading for Fort Erie and onward to Buffalo. 2283 and 2006 were at the helm of 531.

I was here waiting for 562 so I could document the demise of these hoppers, and I was up on Miller Road waiting for it to come off of the connecting track and onto the Hamilton Sub, when I heard 531 blowing for a nearby crossing and hoped I might be able to see an interesting meet of two CN trains - one on CP track and the other on CN. I admittedly did not have this shot in mind when I got to Miller, but am happy things fell into place.

James Knott [535] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/01/2019 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 2283, CN 2006 (search)
Train Symbol: 531 and 562 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Stamford Sub and Hamilton Sub (search)
City/Town: Welland (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=37795
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  1. Killer shot man

  2. Extremely good luck I think and well done James. You’ll be here a long time waiting for this to happen again.

  3. Thanks guys. Extremely good luck indeed!

  4. If rail photography was compared to baseball…you sir just got the rare ‘triple play’! Nicely done. Well worth it :)

  5. Brilliant stuff… you had literally seconds to pull it off, well done !

  6. The final assignment for these cars was phosphate rock service between Neptune terminals in North Vancouver and Agrium’s massive Redwater, AB fertilizer plant. They had previously hauled phosphate from the Kapuskasing, ON mine until it closed. Many also spent long periods in potash service.

    Their end came soon after Agrium/Nutrien ceased phosphate production at the Redwater plant.

  7. You have horseshoes up your you know what-quite a shot !

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