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HBRY 6005 SD60M (ex-UP) sits sandwiched between HBRY 6004 & HBRY 5005 at HBR's The Pas, MB diesel shop yard on a sunny but bitterly cold March 16, 2023.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Paul O'Shell all rights reserved.

Caption: HBRY 6005 SD60M (ex-UP) sits sandwiched between HBRY 6004 & HBRY 5005 at HBR's The Pas, MB diesel shop yard on a sunny but bitterly cold March 16, 2023.

Paul O'Shell [446] (more) (contact)
Date: 03/16/2023 (search)
Railway: Hudson Bay Railway (search)
Reporting Marks: HBRY 6005 (search)
Train Symbol: n/a (search)
Subdivision/SNS: HBR Diesel Shop Yard, Wekusko Sub. The Pas (search)
City/Town: The Pas (search)
Province: Manitoba (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=52874
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  1. And what appear to be a pair of old trucks from an ex-CN M420 in the foreground (all scrapped?)

  2. No sign of any ex-CN M420′s during my three day stay in The Pas this past March.
    Here are the locomotives I did see and photograph
    HBRY 824
    HBRY 3001 (ex-CN 9438)
    HBRY 3002 (ex-CN 9465
    HBRY 3003 (ex-CN 9478)
    HBRY 3078
    HBRY 5000
    HBRY 5004
    HBRY 5005
    HBRY 5007
    HBRY 6001
    HBRY 6004
    HBRY 6005
    HBRY 6008
    HBRY 6009
    HBRY 6011
    HLCX 3840

  3. Interesting to see Paul… looks chilly, thanks for sharing

  4. Thanks Michael. Looking at my notes, it was -23C feeling like -29C that morning. The snow was crunching under foot! Brrr!

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