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Having received another tip, today's 650 - the ethanol train - was supposed to be a catch with a SD-30 ECO and a tcouple of 'Southern Belles' thanks to the Kansas City Southern. BUt weather wise, Today turned out to be one of those days - torrential downpours to start, then it cleared and the sun was out, quite warm, then it clouded over again. While being at work, I ducked out on my breaks and lunch standing in the humidity just hoping to see this train in Chatham. No luck. 

Having to go to Jeannette's Creek, I had just turned onto the Coutts Line from Merlin Road and rounded a curve, cleared some trees...my luck changed. There was 650!!! Sure enough, panic set in. I stopped and backtracked a little to Merlin Road. There was a private driveway, so I walked up and lined up my shot. Here, CP 5039 with KCS 4193 & 4768 leads a long line of tankers blowing it's horn for the crossing. 

Looking back, would you have done what I did to get a fairly good shot? Or would you have just stopped, and gone for a quick side shot hoping to capture all the power leading this train? Let me know your thoughts... :)
Copyright Notice: This image ©Todd Steinman all rights reserved.

Caption: Having received another tip, today's 650 - the ethanol train - was supposed to be a catch with a SD-30 ECO and a tcouple of 'Southern Belles' thanks to the Kansas City Southern. BUt weather wise, Today turned out to be one of those days - torrential downpours to start, then it cleared and the sun was out, quite warm, then it clouded over again. While being at work, I ducked out on my breaks and lunch standing in the humidity just hoping to see this train in Chatham. No luck.

Having to go to Jeannette's Creek, I had just turned onto the Coutts Line from Merlin Road and rounded a curve, cleared some trees...my luck changed. There was 650!!! Sure enough, panic set in. I stopped and backtracked a little to Merlin Road. There was a private driveway, so I walked up and lined up my shot. Here, CP 5039 with KCS 4193 & 4768 leads a long line of tankers blowing it's horn for the crossing.

Looking back, would you have done what I did to get a fairly good shot? Or would you have just stopped, and gone for a quick side shot hoping to capture all the power leading this train? Let me know your thoughts... :)

Todd Steinman [275] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/13/2017 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 5039 KCS 4193 & KCS 4768 (search)
Train Symbol: Train 650 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CP Windsor Subdivision (search)
City/Town: Chatham-Kent (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=30101
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Photo ID: 28933

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  1. My opinion, for what it is worth, this is one of your best photos Todd. Just enough hazy cloud so that the colours are more vivid and details standout. I love “in your face train shots”, especially with the crew visible. Good sharp picture. The whole face of the 5039 has been well caught. As much as I like the KCS paint, I’m going with this version.

  2. Man! Does the the crew look unimpressed with me photographing their train! Thank you for your kind words as well…see you posted another ‘F bomb’ of a photo (meaning absolutely fantastic!)…keep them coming ;) I’ll comment on it too.

  3. Nice. With little or no time to spare, you did good with the framing and exposure.

  4. Nothing wrong with this effort, Todd. These days, it is considered successful if you can get out and not pick up a tick or two along the way. :o (

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