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Having departed Sudbury at 11:15, CP's The Canadian is just clearing the crossing of County Road 10 as it approaches Beeton in the summer of 1962. The 12 car train is led by FP7 1401, F7B 1918, and RS10 8572 (if I'm reading the numbers correctly). The Canadian was re-routed over CN's Bala sub when took over in 1978...
Copyright Notice: This image ©Doug Page all rights reserved.

Caption: Having departed Sudbury at 11:15, CP's The Canadian is just clearing the crossing of County Road 10 as it approaches Beeton in the summer of 1962. The 12 car train is led by FP7 1401, F7B 1918, and RS10 8572 (if I'm reading the numbers correctly). The Canadian was re-routed over CN's Bala sub when VIA took over in 1978...

Doug Page [380] (more) (contact)
Date: 8/ /1962 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 1401 (search)
Train Symbol: 12 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Beeton (search)
City/Town: Beeton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=42474
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Photo ID: 41260

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  1. Is that some form of a mars light on top of 1401?

  2. Thank you for posting this picture.When I was young my family would visit my uncle who was the veterinarian in Beeton and I remember one evening he took us to watch this train pass through Beeton.

  3. It’s great to see The Canadian as it was operated from its first year, namely the tourist sleepers near the front. It wasn’t long after this that the tourist sleepers were discontinued and the coaches were operated ahead of the Skyline car.

  4. Fantastic! Thanks for posting. And yes, all CPR 1400′s had a roof top mars light, even into the 1970′s, witnessed same in 1970 Union Station to Vancouver and return, really neat to see that mars light beam oscillating into the night sky.

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