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Hamilton's New Light Rail?  - If this was Hamilton Light Rail it would surely look at home, but instead this is the end for TTC Hawker-Siddeley H5 5735 as it awaits its turn for scrapping at Future Enterprises. This facility had the following on the property on this day: 5735: 5717, 5786, 5805, 5713, 5607 - (and there may have been a couple more that I missed!)

As of December 2012 you can hardly tell there was ever a scrap yard here - and the company appears to have gone out of business - phone numbers no longer work, and all of the cars mentioned above are of course, long gone.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Stephen C. Host all rights reserved.

Caption: Hamilton's New Light Rail? - If this was Hamilton Light Rail it would surely look at home, but instead this is the end for TTC Hawker-Siddeley H5 5735 as it awaits its turn for scrapping at Future Enterprises. This facility had the following on the property on this day: 5735: 5717, 5786, 5805, 5713, 5607 - (and there may have been a couple more that I missed!)

As of December 2012 you can hardly tell there was ever a scrap yard here - and the company appears to have gone out of business - phone numbers no longer work, and all of the cars mentioned above (many seen in the background of this photo) are of course, long gone.

Stephen C. Host [1544] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/19/2012 (search)
Railway: Toronto Transit Commission (search)
Reporting Marks: Not Provided
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Scrap Yard (search)
City/Town: Hamilton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=7336
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Photo ID: 6572

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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One Comment
  1. Funny, they were supposed to go to a light rail project in Lagos, Nigeria. It was all over the news before, but with all the scrapping at Future Enterprises that seems to have fallen through.

    Interesting that most of the underbody components seem to have been removed at this point. The trucks are supposed to be returned to the TTC after scrapping.

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