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Goderich Wayfreight Crossing Maitland River arrives at Goderich after its overnight trip from Hamilton  June 1978
Copyright Notice: This image ©Larry Broadbent all rights reserved.

Caption: Goderich Wayfreight Crossing Maitland River arrives at Goderich after its overnight trip from Hamilton June 1978

Larry Broadbent [65] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/1978 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 8143 (search)
Train Symbol: Goderich Wayfreight (search)
Subdivision/SNS: London (search)
City/Town: Goderich (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=27004
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Photo ID: 25849

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. Awesome.

  2. Cool! Nice to see a shot of CP in Goderich.

  3. First time I have ever seen a photo of a train rolling over the river from that perspective. Almost unique!!!

  4. Curious, why did it take so long to get to Goderich from Hamilton? I know it was about 120 miles from Hamilton, but there must have been quite a bit of work!

  5. Stephen, There was work along the way & max speed on the Goderich Sub was 35 mph. It was 10 mph through Guelph and there may have been other temporary slow orders in effect. Sometimes depending on Galt Sub traffic, one could take a half hour or more just to get to the north side. The only way across was to use the wyes and crossovers between Eastward & Westward track.

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