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Goderich and Exeter Railway train 431 rumbles through downtown Brampton, with its then-regular rag-tag lashup of second- and third-hand EMD 4-motors in distinctly non-matching paint schemes, about to pound the interlocking diamond a few metres from where the photographer is standing. Today's motley crew consists of GEXR 3835 (GP38), GEXR 3856 (GP38), RLK 4096 (GP40) and GEXR 4046 (GP40), working a good-sized freight courtesy of CN back to home trackage. Today's return train has also "beat the rush", and as a result the CN RTC won't have to juggle a 431 amidst the GO trains beginning half and hour later at 5pm.GEXR 431 (from) along with 432 (to) is the daily "Mac-and-Back" train that runs over part of CN's Halton Subdivision to CN's MacMillan Yard for interchanging traffic, resuming regular routing on GEXR's Guelph Sub at Silver (control point west of Georgetown).
Copyright Notice: This image ©MrDanMofo all rights reserved.

Caption: Goderich and Exeter Railway train 431 rumbles through downtown Brampton, with its then-regular rag-tag lashup of second- and third-hand EMD 4-motors in distinctly non-matching paint schemes, about to pound the interlocking diamond a few metres from where the photographer is standing. Today's motley crew consists of GEXR 3835 (GP38), GEXR 3856 (GP38), RLK 4096 (GP40) and GEXR 4046 (GP40), working a good-sized freight courtesy of CN back to home trackage. Today's return train has also "beat the rush", and as a result the CN RTC won't have to juggle a 431 amidst the GO trains beginning half and hour later at 5pm.

GEXR 431 (from) along with 432 (to) is the daily "Mac-and-Back" train that runs over part of CN's Halton Subdivision to CN's MacMillan Yard for interchanging traffic, resuming regular routing on GEXR's Guelph Sub at Silver (control point west of Georgetown).

MrDanMofo [1010] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/29/2007 (search)
Railway: Goderich and Exeter (search)
Reporting Marks: GEXR 3835 (search)
Train Symbol: GEXR 431 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Brampton / CN Halton Sub (search)
City/Town: Brampton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=6673
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