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GO Transit F59PH 520 slowly pushes its train westward into Track 6 of the train shed at Toronto's Union Station downtown, with another F59PH poking its nose from underneath on Track 7 as PM rush hour is in full swing.

Quite a few things have changed since this 2006 view of the USRC and surrounding area near Scott Street interlocking tower, including a new condo being built on the small parcel of land and nearby parking lot at the bottom right (blocking this condo's view). The Air Canada Centre (note logos and lettering) is now Scotiabank Arena, and a lot more condos and office towers populate the downtown skyline. That parking lot on the left is now home to an office tower with GO's new bus terminal in it. The shuttered ex-CPR John St. Roundhouse in the background is now home to a railway museum, among other things. And GO 520, retired in 2009, went on to work a short stint leased to VIA, then SoCal on Metrolink, and finally ended up at a start-up passenger operation in Mexico!
Copyright Notice: This image ©Dan Dell'Unto all rights reserved.

Caption: GO Transit F59PH 520 slowly pushes its train westward into Track 6 of the train shed at Toronto's Union Station downtown, with another F59PH poking its nose from underneath on Track 7 as PM rush hour is in full swing.

Quite a few things have changed since this 2006 view of the USRC and surrounding area near Scott Street interlocking tower, including a new condo being built on the small parcel of land and nearby parking lot at the bottom right (blocking this condo's view). The Air Canada Centre (note logos and lettering) is now Scotiabank Arena, and a lot more condos and office towers populate the downtown skyline. That parking lot on the left is now home to an office tower with GO's new bus terminal in it. The shuttered ex-CPR John St. Roundhouse in the background is now home to a railway museum, among other things. And GO 520, retired in 2009, went on to work a short stint leased to VIA, then SoCal on Metrolink, and finally ended up at a start-up passenger operation in Mexico!

Dan Dell'Unto [1015] (more) (contact)
Date: 11/02/2006 (search)
Railway: GO Transit (search)
Reporting Marks: GO 520 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Toronto Union Station (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=55801
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