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Nice. It is to my understanding that 3821 is to be disposed of, was the 3821 turned on/powering the train, or just along for the ride?
3821 was running and was used to switch the yard in the morning. The crew picked up QGRY 2500 for the run west on the Guelph Sub.
Thank you very much for the info. I’ve heard that the 3821 needs new wiring, and it is too costly to do, so it will be sent away. Apparently 2500 was sent to GEXR to replace the 3821. On a side note, I shot 2500 this morning on the Fergus spur with LLPX 2210 headed for Cambridge. 2500 really gets around.
I believe the plan for 3821 has changed.
RLK 2211, do you know what the plan is?