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Young man I remember when you came on here asking questions about trains, and I knew you were a very young man at the time.
I’m glad to see you posting good images on here and growing in this hobby. Keep up the good work.
Thank you Steve! Yes I was pretty young at that time 14 going on 15 and my fav thing was Industrial trains so I was just so curious as to when the now out of service spurs saw their last trains as well as how much longer the current spurs in my area (Brampton) seem to have. I also tried sharing photos on here at that time but my camera wasn’t good enough. Even now I’m still learning about ways to better edit my photos.
Let’s not forget the Waterloo Spur, that is my fav train line and I have models in n scale of many units that are or were often seen working GEXR 584. I do remember asking a lot about when my best bet was at seeing them operating in daylight especially considering the fact that I was in Kitchener visiting my cousins Feb 28 2015 which I later learned was one of the last times the Waterloo Spur ever saw freight in daylight. I hoped to go to the VIA Rail station and check out the Waterloo Spur that EXACT day but that had to wait until the next day March 1 2015. Oh well guess some things are just not meant to be and that’s ok.
I have to admit, I did once see GEXR 584 operating in daylight but got no photos of it or anything. That day lives on only in my memory and I’m almost certain it was Sat Jan 3 2009 but it may have been the 4th. I was 8 going on 9 at the time and I remember the day as if it was yesterday. I went to the VIA Rail Station on a cold but sunny Saturday afternoon with my uncle to catch VIA 85. We waited at the now former Ahrens St crossing. While waiting we heard a horn blowing to the north but didn’t expect it to be what it was. Moments before 85, GEXR 584 came down from Elmira and I watched it cross the Ahrens/Breithaupt st crossing from the now former st crossing (where the platform is for the GO Trains). Leading was LLPX 2210 followed by 2236, a blue empty centrebram car and 2 tank cars (one white one black) which I assume came from Chemtura. At the switch to the Waterloo Spur GEXR 584 met VIA 85 and that was definitely my highlight of the day! Probably my highlight of 2009 Railfanning actually! Just thought I should share that memory.
Also, do you have any other photos of GEXR operating the Waterloo Spur in daylight preferably from 2012, 2013, 2014 and even early 2015 but past years before would also be nice. If so any chance you can share them on here or anywhere else where I can see them including sending them to me in a private message if the site allows it? I’d just really appreciate it as that is my favorite rail line. Thank you again for your comment and I’ll keep it up forsure!
I remember when I was like you. Just wait, you’ll expand your mind and you’ll have an explosion of interests.
I do have many photos along that line, I worked beside it for 9 years, but I rarely chased it.
I’ll dig out a couple for you, I just don’t want to over do it, there is a such thing as ‘location fatigue’ on this site.
F.Y.I The waterloo spur still saw trains in daylight until fairly recently and may yet still happen – but the chances are getting lower and lower as LRT testing gets underway. Last summer there was certainly a chance of a train at dusk some nights..
- Steve
Thanks. Wish I had the same opportunity’s as you to see more trains on the line or at least catch a glimpse of them while at work. Question, when you say Waterloo Spur still saw trains in daylight did you mean mid day hours or in evening hours? I did see them a couple times in evening but I doubt my shots are good enough to go on here. And actually back in August when I spoke to the conductor after they finished their nights work, he told me that they actually may still run north in evening after LRT opens and just have them wait in uptown until the LRT RTC gives them the green light to go through kind of like squeezing regular freight through in rush hour. it’s jsut really hard to say is what he told me because they originally were not allowed to go before 1am north when constricted began but they still sometimes ran as early as 7 without any problems. And with the photos, photos taken in mid-day I would like best but seeing photos at dusk would be nice as well. Thank you again.
That is correct – would have been at end of the day. Last mid-day daylight move I am aware of was November 2016 but a late late evening move could have easily happened. And right, I agree, it could yet happen again but I wouldn’t hold my breath for it.
I remember being innately fascinated with railway lines like this. I’ve since expanded my mind
but I still enjoy my favorites. It’s the name of the game in this hobby, whenever you are born you’ll be fascinated by what you missed. Then you’ll realize how much is actually out there and try to get everything before it’s gone. Then you realize you just can’t, there’s too much out there.
- Steve
lol I have to agree with you. Waterloo Spur is my fav Railway line and I’ll be so happy if I can ever some day lucky come across GEXR operating in mid-day but there are many lines I’d like to check out such as Burford Spur, the GEXR Salt Mine Train in Godrich, BCRY and I hope to get a few more shots on the OBRY line before it’s gone which I likely presume it will be cause no one can really make profit in my opinion with having to pay for 50+ miles of track in land taxes and only serving like half a dozen consumers once to twice a week. But I managed a few shots last summer when I was off school. Most of them are cloudy tho which I think is ok especially for the angles where on sunny days would either be backlight or on the shadowed side of the train which this site won’t allow I was told.
Are you referring to GEXR with the midday daylight move in Nov 2016? Or the WCR Ventnores Train in Nov 2015. From what I was told no one could run that line in daylight once LRT really got going and WCR did request to do another Ventnores Train for Rememberance day in 2016 but the region declined sadly which was too bad as I already planned to take the day off school. I was also told that in 2016 a few times GEXR didn’t even make it back to Kitchener and had to leave the train tied down north of Northfeild dr as the red flag was already up by the time they reached Northfeild which was bad cause then 580 needed to find new power.
Graydon let’s take this discussion offline. I’ll e-mail you.
Wow this is all kind of overwhelming.