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GEXR 431 crests the hill at Acton, ON. as a Dodge Ram paces the train on parallel Ontario Highway 7. Some courageous artist(s) (or vandals depending what side of the spectrum you're on) painted "SP" on the nose of 3054 the night before; partially restoring/preserving the unit's previous history. With only four more days before this section of GEXR's operations are taken over by CN (as of this upload), many will be flocking to get a glimpse of an SP tunnel motor in Southern Ontario before another chapter in Ontario rail history closes.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Mike Molnar all rights reserved.

Caption: GEXR 431 crests the hill at Acton, ON. as a Dodge Ram paces the train on parallel Ontario Highway 7. Some courageous artist(s) (or vandals depending what side of the spectrum you're on) painted "SP" on the nose of 3054 the night before; partially restoring/preserving the unit's previous history. With only four more days before this section of GEXR's operations are taken over by CN (as of this upload), many will be flocking to get a glimpse of an SP tunnel motor in Southern Ontario before another chapter in Ontario rail history closes.

Mike Molnar [200] (more) (contact)
Date: 11/10/2018 (search)
Railway: Goderich-Exeter (search)
Reporting Marks: GEXR 3054 (search)
Train Symbol: GEXR 431 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Guelph Subdivision (search)
City/Town: Acton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=35473
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  1. Some folks are saying the ‘SP’ hood unit was on lease, going back to the original owner and that the original Southern Pacific logo would be restored on the side. Leased from whom is the question. I hardly think Union Pacific. Can anyone clarify?

  2. Sounds like you caught wind of a foamer fib, Brad. I would love to stand corrected if there is any validity to those claims though.

  3. Hahahahahahahah wow. Yeah I believe that rumour. That sounds so reasonable. Hahahah

  4. I’ll go with Mike’s “courageous artist(s) or vandals” quote. ;)

  5. GEXR bought the unit from CIT (CEFX) so that might be where the confusion came from.

  6. Nice scene Mike.

  7. Thanks!

  8. Was that ram actually pacing the train on purpose? seems a few cars behind the head end :)

  9. @Stephen Host Probably not lol

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