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Getting one of these grey ghosts to finally behave and stay on-point all the way to the GTA in shootable conditions has been a year-long waiting game after the acquisition of the former Class 1. Although this is the third grey ghost to lead 134, the first was yanked off by request of the crew upon pulling into London, and the second was a last-minute power change to deadhead a bunch of 6-axles to Toronto and had only 10 miles to go by the time the sun rose up behind dense overcast. KCS ran many of these into the ground so badly that they get assigned to work train service stateside too. For the longest time union crews would swat these aside if they could, and the coincidence of an impending rail strike only 2 days out makes me wonder if management snubbed any crew requests to keep 7018 leading when they could've wyed in Detroit or 4570 is a lucky recipient of a hotplate and refridgerator.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Eric Fallas all rights reserved.

Caption: Getting one of these grey ghosts to finally behave and stay on-point all the way to the GTA in shootable conditions has been a year-long waiting game after the acquisition of the former Class 1. Although this is the third grey ghost to lead 134, the first was yanked off by request of the crew upon pulling into London, and the second was a last-minute power change to deadhead a bunch of 6-axles to Toronto and had only 10 miles to go by the time the sun rose up behind dense overcast. KCS ran many of these into the ground so badly that they get assigned to work train service stateside too. For the longest time union crews would swat these aside if they could, and the coincidence of an impending rail strike only 2 days out makes me wonder if management snubbed any crew requests to keep 7018 leading when they could've wyed in Detroit or 4570 is a lucky recipient of a hotplate and refridgerator.

Eric Fallas [55] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/20/2024 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific Kansas City (search)
Reporting Marks: KCSM 4570 (search)
Train Symbol: CPKC 134-19 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: MP 15.8 Galt (search)
City/Town: Mississauga (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=54964
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