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Former CSXT ACe, now PRLX, last known to be on lease to NS, supports the foamer inspired C&O heritage paint
Copyright Notice: This image ©AJS all rights reserved.

Caption: Former CSXT ACe, now PRLX, last known to be on lease to NS, supports the foamer inspired C&O heritage paint

AJS [242] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/12/2018 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: PRLX 4834 (search)
Train Symbol: CN M398 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Dundas Sub (search)
City/Town: Paris (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=32979
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Photo ID: 31801

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  1. Wonder how long it’ll stay like this? Seems to certainly be making the rounds.

  2. I’m betting it’s changed at first opportunity once it gets near the home shop. I wouldn’t take any chances anyway, if one wants to photograph this ‘event’ !

  3. I guess thats just called graffiti. I doesn’t look like a shop force did the C & O

  4. It certainly can be classified as such. But when was the last time someone did something like this?

    I know I read articles about something similar in RAILROAD magazine – sometime in the 1970′s…… or 1980′s.. but I think it was for an excursion and railfans touched up paint of a US road’s scheme in advance of a trip to make it look better :)

    Anyone recall the article?

  5. Can’t remember that Steve. I do know we touched up the “Trains All American” logo one time at Windsor South when it was sitting outside the depot. I have to give credit to whomever did this as it’s certainly better than anything that CSX is willing to do.

  6. It was patched today I am told.

    Trains magazine article on it certainly hasted its demise.

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