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For my 1000 photo on this site I was hoping to send something in that was a bit special, well I guess this kind of counts, LOL. At least it’s not just a pair of coal spray covered GEVO’s. Back before starting a straight night shift at my current company, for many years I would follow the “Holiday Train” around Southern Ontario. I kind of miss the days when it had six axle power. I have to say a heritage SD70 would be nice but understand for CP the four axle units make more sense. I wasn’t sure how long this train would last unaltered into the CPKC era, but so far only the stage car wears CPKC lettering. Thankfully the boxcars behind the power so far do not. This unfortunately was just a quick catch on the way to work so the location is pretty common for me. Maybe next year I’ll call in sick.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Marcus W Stevens all rights reserved.

Caption: For my 1000 photo on this site I was hoping to send something in that was a bit special, well I guess this kind of counts, LOL. At least it’s not just a pair of coal spray covered GEVO’s. Back before starting a straight night shift at my current company, for many years I would follow the “Holiday Train” around Southern Ontario. I kind of miss the days when it had six axle power. I have to say a heritage SD70 would be nice but understand for CP the four axle units make more sense. I wasn’t sure how long this train would last unaltered into the CPKC era, but so far only the stage car wears CPKC lettering. Thankfully the boxcars behind the power so far do not. This unfortunately was just a quick catch on the way to work so the location is pretty common for me. Maybe next year I’ll call in sick.

Marcus W Stevens [1070] (more) (contact)
Date: 11/22/2023 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific Kansas City (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 2246 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Galt subdivision (search)
City/Town: Streetsville (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=53339
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Photo ID: 52027

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  1. Superb offering to reach 1000 ! Congratulations !

  2. A fine 1000th. Well done.

  3. Congrats on 1000. A great posting.

  4. Well done on reaching 1000. Nice shot sir.

  5. Awesome – #1000. Great work Marcus!

  6. Marcus, way to go on achieving 1000 photos on this site, and as usual, it is a great picture. – lots of colour. Well done, look forward to the next 1000 ! John

  7. Thanks everyone for the comments ????

  8. Thanks everyone for the comments ????

  9. Ignore the question marks it was a smily face, lol

  10. Congrats on your 1000th Marcus. I agree, I miss the 6 axles too. I saw this US version of the train that stopped at Kinnear for the show, stopped at Lambton for a change for some time. I wondered what the performers had to do! Hopefully a good deck of cards. ;)

  11. Congratulations on reaching 1000 Marcus.

  12. Peeeechy !!!! Darn nice shot for number one thousand. Keep them comin’, Lad.

  13. Nice shot, congrats on #1000!

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